Living in the rurals has many pluses. It also has its downside. I just happened to be home in the middle of the day today, enjoying lunch with Mr. Rocky - I'm usually at work during noontime. We looked out our window and not more than 450 meters (about 500 yards) from our house is this huge coyote - in broad daylight! He (or she) was eyeballing my little flock of hens that were foraging around the yard. We lost our new kitten about a month ago, just a few days after we were letting her stay out all night long. It's not like there aren't a million little rodents to eat either. The cats have littered the yard with carcasses of field mice, voles, moles, and pocket gophers (and an occasional bird or two). I really don't want to kill the coyote, just scare it a bit so it will leave my hens and kitties alone. My peace has been disturbed!
Coyote watch!
by mrs rocky2 17 Replies latest jw friends
Is there any way to scare a coyote away from easy prey?
I live close to the Red River, we used to go coyote and hog hunting. We had a blast, only a couple broken bones--here and there.(not mine)
mrs rocky2
Coyotes are usually more afraid of us than we are of them. But, given opportunity and easy while we are at home, they seem to stay away. I just worry about when I am gone to work (fortunately I work only a few hours a day). Rocky will also be working closer to home in the next week or so. So hopefully we can make a bunch of noise and keep the hungry doggies away. We're also both fairly good aim with the gun so we can shoot close enough to scare them without hitting them.
Shoot. I live in the city, 4 miles from Downtown Portland, population 400K, and we have coyotes! We are in a condo complex of 17 duplex buildings on 6 acres. Nice park-like setting. We are 2 1-acre lots away from a 1 square mile park. We have coyotes passing through here all the time! My cats know how to take good care of themselves, although we have had cats disappear.
I know this is really dumb, I would like to see a pic of a coyote i dont think i ever have....other than the cartoon version
I know this is really dumb, I would like to see a pic of a coyote i dont think i ever have....other than the cartoon version
Me either! I wanna see a coyote!!! show us a pic...
Aren't they beautiful?
I'm having fun here, my son is helping me post pics!!