There are many online IQ test to take, I did one and zoomed through it without trying very hard and got a 128. Whats yours ? Be honest
IQ Test, Have you ever taken one ?
by oldflame 46 Replies latest jw experiences
I did one on TV and I got 145.
Provide example of test.
I have taken several and my experience was that the online ones ended up in much higher scores than the written ones.
I took the Stanford-Binet test and more recently the Wechsler tests.
It was revealing in one way but not a true measure. I always felt these measured potential. I never knew the results of my tests until I was in my 30's. In a way that was good. I was odd enough in school.
A "high" IQ is no indicator that you are emotionally, morally, ethically, or spiritually equipped for daily life.
Blondie (no "dumb" blonde)
As a member of Mensa I took their exam. There is a big debate over adding some kind of emotional intelligence test to the mix. I think most people in Mensa would not want that because they would most likely be in the bottom 2% instead of the top 2%.
A common misconception is that bright people are bright at everything and not so bright people are not bright at anything. Bright people do very dumb things at times and are usually only very sharp in a few or only one area. Not so bright people can have flashes of greatness anytime and often at the most unanticipated times, (unanticipated by the smart people who underestimated them that is.)
I have and scored 10 points more than the person above me and 20 points higher than the person below me.
Maverick, how did you find their entrance exam to be?
I took the home test and did fine, but I'm really hesitant to take the real entrance exam. My husband said it was the hardest test he had ever taken, involved a lot of memorization and was excrutiatingly long.
i've always tested with an IQ around 140. i'm not sure if it is a blessing or a curse.
I took one at school. It wasn't on the internet like some are.