Quotes story is on popular news website!!!!!!

by rebel8 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    The clowns in the WT legal dept. have just no #@%$^ clue about how the world works now.

    I can easily imagine them having a prayer just before their meeting, then determining "while under holy spirit" that "yeah, if we threaten him with a lawsuit with some big $ amount, we're quite sure he'll just fold up & quietly go away".

    Of course, they must be absoutely blindsided that there are now all kinds of websites, read by untold thousands, proclaiming messages like "WT sues webmaster for printing in-context quotes of their own material which embarrasses them"...and are undoubtedly now praying even more fervently that the mainstream media doesn't pick up on the story.

  • ezekiel3

    From the link above:

    One time: I saw two of them coming down the street towards my house. I quickly put a little note on the front door which said "Quiet Please, Satanic Ritual in Progress, thanx."

    The two walked to the door, saw the note, and just stood there for a minute. Apparently stunned. Then they walked away. I took the note off the door.

    A few minutes later there were four of them standing across the street talking and pointing at my house. They all walked over together and left a big pile of "The Watchtower" on the doorstep but they didn't ring the bell.

    Good times,,,

  • DanTheMan


    Unfortunately, not everybody scanning through the list of links will make the Watchtower-Jehovah's Witnesses connection.

  • wiegel

    So, they may be able to dance cirles around the r&f with euphemisitic double-talk, but when the bottom line is that they are embarrassed by their own literature, those with ears had better "listen".

  • vitty

    Could someone contact the Guardian newspaper in the UK. They ran a big story on the changed blood issue, we actually had someone come from Bethel to disbute it to the congregations.

    They also uncovered the UN scandle and peodophiles in the org, im sure they would be VERY interested in this story.

  • twinkletoes

    Good idea Vitty

    We have been intending to write to Stephen Bates at the Guardian, to thank him for running the UN scandal story, We could combine our thanks with this story about Quotes v WT.

    I will try to get together all of the information over the weekend and send it to the Guardian.

    Lets hope that they do a good job on this one, their coverage of the UN scandal was the first thing that made us sit up and take notice.


  • rebel8

    Here's another one:

    http://www.syracuse.com/forums/religion/index.ssf post #3397 DanTheMan, I realized that but with Fark you only have a limited amount of words to submit. If you click through to the user comments (> 300 right now) you will see they immediately made the connection, so hopefully those who didn't eventually realized it from reading the comments.

  • rebel8

    This thing has taken on a life of its own. Now someone started a forum on Yahoo to continue the Fark discussion:


  • IT Support
    IT Support

    I emailed Stephen Bates (The Guardian, England). He replied he's hoping to write about the case next week.

  • rebel8

    Oh, that is so awesome!!! Keep us posted.

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