Hey Prophecor-
Now dude, what does that say when both of us choose Peter? Loved your words, "a real nut job."
by defd 133 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Prophecor-
Now dude, what does that say when both of us choose Peter? Loved your words, "a real nut job."
I like the Harlot in Revelation. You know, the one the society always depicted as a hot redhead with nice boobs? My pants nearly burst every time I think about her.
LOL, FF, for sure. drunkenly stradling the "beast".
The Devilthis is my favorite character from this epic story book as well. SATAN! TS-666He never lies. He told Adam and Eve the truth when God lied to them.
He always delivers what he promises unlike the ‘Faithful and discreet slave‘.
What a guy!
Now dude, what does that say when both of us choose Peter? Loved your words, "a real nut job."
Lawrence, if that's really you on your Avatar, you look to me to be so totally laid back . I always dug your lean back, lean back, lean back...style and flair.
Jezebel because she was a fabulous b1tch
Nice thread..... I always liked to hear the story about Joseph. That story has everything...a hero...a foe...a plot....and a great ending.
Also they said Joseph was very handsome! I like to think about that. Handsome and hard to get!
We had some really gorgeous young people in our old hall. They were very zealous in their worship.
Men and women were always trying to break them down in and outside of the hall.
I am curious as to what has happened to them. There are some pretty incredible youth out there like Joseph was.
I totally agree. Its hard to be Good looking in the truth! lol
By the way those are not nancy stories or fairy tales ....those are historical events and people.
Tell them hibie
By the way those are not nancy stories or fairy tales ....those are historical events and people.
You mean there really was a wild beast with seven heads and ten horns? And there really was a hot, drunken harlot riding it?
Anyone got her phone # ???