The book "What the Bible really teaches"

by TheListener 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    I've got my copies and reviewed them, like many others here, but I didn't see any references to the faithfula and discreet slave. Did I miss the reference or is it really not covered in the publication?


  • defd

    tell ya the truth i havent read it yet.

  • hibiscusfire

    The bible teaches we are God's servants and not slaves in bondage....


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i've read it and im pretty sure there is at least one reference to the FDS... how could there not be? especially since it is a clear doctrine taught DIRECTLY from the bible


  • M.J.

    Is there a chance of the FDS being de-emphasized? I did notice that on the WTS website there are hardly any references to it. Is this part of some master scheme?

  • ackack

    I couldn't find any references to the FDS doctrine in this book.

  • upside/down
    The bible teaches we are God's servants and not slaves in bondage....

    Servants vs. Bible times...a difference without distinction.

    There are many references by "The Lord" his servants...being like "slaves".

    Don't try and white wash it.

    u/d(of the love slave class)

  • stillajwexelder

    Is there a chance of the FDS being de-emphasized?

    I think hell will freeze over first

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I only scanned through it quickly, but I didn't find anything specific on the FDS or meat in due season. It still does mention the 144,000 as being a select group who'll rule in heaven with JC. But curiosuly, nothing about an earthly component heading up what should be taught on earth. It seems to emphasize that the true teachings of JWs are all straight from the Bible.

  • TheListener

    I looked the book over better and still didn't find any reference to the fds. In my opinion that doesn't mean anything about the doctrine being sidelined. They must have felt it wasn't necessary in this particular publication. It's definitely covered in the new OM book that each pub. gets.

    If anyone does find a reference in the next couple of days please let me know because I'd hate to look the fool during a conversation with my wife.

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