Arachnaphobia - I hate spiders

by ballistic 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Anyone who does not the like killing any of god's creatures, please do NOT read this.

    I just laid in bed for over an hour trying to sleep until I heard a faint noise which sounded like lots of feet scrabbling around. For a minute I thought there were rats somewhere. I laid there for a minute my eyes darting around in the dark and I could feel my pulse going. In the end, I jumped out of the bed switched the light on and looked to where the noise was coming from and there was the biggest spider I have ever seen.

    Now, they don't get "that" big here in England but I guess it's all relative to what you are used to.

    After hitting it twice and missing, I'm now petrified because it's run underneath the wardrobe. Peering round the back of the wardrobe, I was so tense I even made myself jump with the torch beam.


  • stillajwexelder

    I am OK with spiders but I still hate snakes - but hell there are some blo^^y big spiders here in the midwest ballistic

  • Dune

    Arachnophobia the movie didnt help me too much...Perhaps you should see it

  • nilfun

    *scoops up spider in a jar and releases it outside for ballistic*

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I really enjoyed that movie. I should keep an eye out at the local markets to see if any have the DVD in stock.

  • ballistic

    Anyway, it was behind the wardrobe and the only thing I could think of doing as I couldn't reach it was spray it with my grease gun. (hope you don't think this is cruel)

    This worked except the spider laden with twice it's own body weight in grease came crawling slowly, and the thing looked even more alien than than normal.

    Needless to say I flushed it away down the toilet.

    There - you can all call me a wuss now.

  • stillajwexelder

    my wife hates spiders too ballistic - I swear she empties a whole aerosol can full of insect killer on a single spider

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I enjoy burning insects when given the opportunity.

  • ballistic
    I swear she empties a whole aerosol can full of insect killer on a single spider

    I don't blame her.

    It's now late - no doubt when I lay back down I'll be waiting to hear a pin drop.

  • ballistic

    Little ones are ok. I even let them survive.

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