Was Anyone Disfellowshipped Twice? How About Three Times?

by anewme 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    Years ago there was this guy ****** ******* I'll never forget him. Disfellowshipped 3 times!!!!
    At the last dfing announcement the brother got up there and yelled into the mic
    "So and so is disfellowshipped from the Christian Congregation!"

    It was kind of a sad thing, but after three times it was kind of funny too!

    I wonder if ****** ever made it back again?

    That would be an incredible story!

  • Dune

    I know a sister who has been D'fed twice. She's "back" though, and she's really cool.

    I also know this brother who has been disfellowshipped more than three times. I dont know the details, but this elder was telling me that the guy was infamous. He's been in the Orgo since he was very young, and now he's like 70. Kinda funny. (He's "back" too)

  • Gretchen956

    Sounds just like my older brother. 3 times for him, and yes I hear he is still in. Although how "strong" he is I don't know.

    Where you from?


  • stillajwexelder

    I personally knew 1 guy who was dfd 4 - YES FOUR- Times

    1 Immorality

    2 Drugs

    3 Immorality

    4 Adultery

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  • anewme

    Wow, maybe there are alot of people who keep trying to get it right. There is alot of pain in those stories, but maybe alot of faith too. Some people struggle very hard while others breeze through this life.

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  • Dune

    I dont know...I'll give someone immorality and MAYBE drugs, but NOT adultery.

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  • garybuss

    I've noticed that after many years and after many experiences, Witnesses often become like long time prisoners, contemptuously compliant . . . skeptically obedient. Or at least they give the appearance of being compliant and obedient. Much of it's an act. The act's the purchase price of a ticket into the social club.

  • anewme

    What? Dune are you saying you would forgive drugs and immorality, but not adultery?
    Does adultery seem to you to be the worst sin?
    What about abuse or perversions or pedophilia or murder?

    Is there any sin Jehovah will not forgive?

    I personally dont believe there is.

    They say sinning against the holy spirit is unforgiveable. Perhaps the brothers can deny a reinstatement to someone if they want to enough. Do they do that? Deny reinstatement?
    (I'm sure if my P.O. brother in law had his way he'd deny my reinstatement)

    Some may not have Gods view of things and only want to prove themselves right and "damn" a person forever.

    What would a person do in a case like that?

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  • lawrence

    I knew a few "double-headers" and a couple of "triple-headers" outed on drugs, drunkeness, immorality, and (God-forbid) apostasy (at JC meetings). BTW - these were my friends when leaving on my exodus from a Satan-Led JWS.

  • Sparkplug
    Wow, maybe there are alot of people who keep trying to get it right. There is alot of pain in those stories, but maybe alot of faith too. Some people struggle very hard while others breeze through this life.

    I agree seeing I was DF'ed three times. It took me that long to actually question what I was doing. It is an absolute shame I was that brainwashed. I now have taken a vow to never return. It is like a different world when I think of it. I cannot believe I went thru all of that.

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