So just how things does the WTS call a matter of conscience and in the next breath condemn.
As far back as I can recall JWs were told that certain things were conscience matters. They they would go into some long detailed description of instances in the Bible where such-and-such a practice was condemned. They would add in stories of how things went terribly wrong when some people actually did the suspect action
OK this would be easier with an example.
Years ago after my last baby I had my tubes tied. At the time the elders said it was a conscience matter and then pulled all this crap about it being a mutilation and not honoring the wondrous gift of procreation. yada yada yada
We wound up having this big to-do about how scriptural it was. In the end it was determined that due to MY medical problems we wouldn't be reproved for it.
How many other things are like that.
Yes it is a conscience matter but if you do it you will be sinning. And most likely reproved.