Boobah... an acid trip for kids?

by Elsewhere 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    Those Boobah dolls ain't got nothing on the "Amazing Amanda" doll. Talk about creepy.

  • Sparkplug

    My daughter called me in about a year ago and told me to look at this possessed show. She is 13 now and she highly warns others that this show is possessed. It sucks you in and snorts your brain.

    She really is a funny kid.

  • Sunnygal41
    but if you want the kid to exercise and dance...well, stop stuffing your bloated, goitered face...get off your fat ass and take your kid outside to play...or put some music on and play with them...

    typed like a true asshole. oops. forgot to add the mandatory imo ending. Terri

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yikes, who said that, Terri?

  • CoonDawg
    but if you want the kid to exercise and dance...well, stop stuffing your bloated, goitered face...get off your fat ass and take your kid outside to play...or put some music on and play with them...
    typed like a true asshole. oops. forgot to add the mandatory imo ending.

    Well, for your information, I wasn't targeting anyone specifically with my comments...they were rather general. Maybe this tubby guy is the last one who should be making weight references...but I find that many are lazy when it comes to spending time with their kids and would rather leave education and development to in point, my stepdaughter. Somewhere along the way she got the idea that her son would just assimilate information and that reading to him and doing activities with him were just not necessary. Looking at other aspects of her life such as her housekeeping abilities, this is primarily because she's lazy.


    PS...Compared to most assholes...I'm just an anus

  • FlyingHighNow
    Looking at other aspects of her life such as her housekeeping abilities, this is primarily because she's lazy.


    Either that or she is depressed or has something. Healthy people generally don't lie around doing nothing all day.

  • CoonDawg

    She goes to work, but she's a slob because she'd rather be surfing the net or playing playstation. It affects other parts of her life too. Don't get me wrong, we are here for her and want her to do better with her life...We just don't know what more we can do.


  • FlyingHighNow
    ...We just don't know what more we can do.

    Stop judging her for starters. You never know what is wrong with people. They may only have the energy to force themselves to work and t little else. Allergies can cause people to feel lethargic, even when there aren't more obvious symptoms. We just found out someone I know has an allergy to gluten and it has caused her to be nearly helpless for years. Some people thought she was lazy, a slob. I could tell she clearly didn't feel well. Until the allergy had grown so severe that she started losing weight, 100 lbs, it wasn't obvious to her doctors that something was terribly wrong. Pollen and mold allergies can cause all kinds of havoc in someone's life. They may not have the obvious symptoms, but they still feel terrible. They get used to feeling like that and don't suspect a health problem.

    People who feel good and have energy to burn don't usually sit around playing video games all day while their house goes to pot.

  • CoonDawg


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