The Mother of all conspiracy theories

by Junction-Guy 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Junction-Guy

    Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I guess I should have titled this the "what if ?" thread.

  • delilah

    So, SIR82, er, umm, SAlly......i see you are up to your old tricks again...

    Interesting theory, JG....

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i'll go make us all aluminum caps!!!

    luv, jojo

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    No doubt about'd be a great way to "launder" money.... As a matter of fact, if I were investigating the WTS, inc......I'd "follow the money" just like the feds do when they're investigating the criminal "heavies"

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    where are you getting that they rake in a billion a year? I am curious because there are less than 10,000,000 BORG and each one of them would have to pitch in over a $100.00 more than costs for there to be anything like that in where is this money coming from?

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    Bill Gates makes a lot of money too. i wonder if he funds terrorists? i mean COME ON BILLIONS OF DOLLARS... WHERE DOES IT ALL GO??? at least SOME of it MUST go to terrorists. it wouldn't make any sense for him to have all this money and not do something bad with it


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think it serious enough that they are a 'front' for the 'Truth'.

    They ruin more lives than the Mafia ever thought of ruining each year. They 'extort' something far more valuable than money - they take peoples lives and help them waste them serving an organization that lies, manipulates them, and causes them to use up thier valuable lifeforce in support of them.

    They are conspiritorial, no doubt. But alas the conspiracy invloves a greater price than dollars can measure.


  • integ

    Nothing would surprise me with the WTBS.

    One cannot entirely dismiss the plausibility of Junction Guys' post just because you don't the Society could do such a thing. There's no solid proof FOR it, but there's no proof AGAINST it either. And one has to admit they have had their share of shenanigans.

    I never thought they would join the UN and then lie about it either, so I will not discount ANYTHING when it comes to these jokers.


  • Jourles

    Well I'm pretty sure Ray Franz would have said something about it being a front.

    But then again, $10k goes a long way to keep someone quiet...

  • alreadygone

    I may be wrong but I was under the impression that a non-profit organization was required to spend all of the money it takes. (ie. $10 donated in, $10 spent in some way). Hence the name, NON-profit. I would think to keep their non-profit/tax free status that they would have to account for the money that comes in/out. Shouldn't that be public record?

    Again, I may be wrong, but I know that is how the company, which is a non-profit org., I work for operates. Granted we've been h emorrhaging money for the last few years. If money was left over at the end of the fiscal year it had to be used to pay past year's debts.

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