incredible anger..........disgust......shock.........and, amazed that others weren't.
by kid-A 26 Replies latest jw friends
incredible anger..........disgust......shock.........and, amazed that others weren't.
There was a real crisis in my mind at the time, I was in late teens, I think, and trying to decide what I believed. Had already had sheparding calls due to my "doubting". I thought to myself, "If this whole thing is a bunch of crap, then what will they do when the last 1914 person dies off. Will all the JWs just leave? No, they'll have to change their theory on that. Gee, if they actually ever changed that theory, then I'll KNOW for sure it's a bunch of hogwash." And sure enough, not long after thinking that, they did indeed change the theory. I was like, "That's it, that's my ticket, I'm outta here." And I smiled, said I had to go off to school, but will be sure not to miss even one meeting, and never went back.
It was the beginning of the most amazing part of my life.
Initially I was sick. To find out what I had been preaching as a non negotiable (the wts own words) was suddenly dropped by a couple of page article in the wt!!!
Scales lifted off my eyes that day. I talked to friends and they said what change?! Now that's the beginning of paranoia. Ha Ha.
My marriage was only hanging by a thread, so once the jws were dropped so were the vows. My kids went on to uni etc, so I became who I was sposed to be all those years before being a cult member.
Thankyou wts for exposing honest hearted people to your web of intrigue. I still many more avenues to explore!!!
Hang on im from England and I did not think it was changed at the district assembly. It was changed in the Watchtower articles in September 1995.
I was an elder here and that was when the new light (dark) was broght out and I understood the significance immediately.
I only heard about it two years ago. Probably on JWD.
My family had been very quiet about it, which I thought was rather inconsiderate, especially as they all knew that I was waiting for WT Killier God to deal to me in the near future.
My father still hasn't noticed it, and it was his threatening me with it that finally caused my cognitive dissonance to kick in and start me studying the WT.
I Googled 'Watchtower false prophet' and I was free in days.
my exit date point of "know" return was 3 years prior on 1-5-92
I learned of the generation change from correspondance with apostate David Reed of CFTF.
Now get this's that same year 1995 and i'm driving Boston inbound north on Route 93 i have my radio tuned to national PBS and i hear the announcer say,[quote]"the Jehovah's Witnesses have announced that they will no longer predict dates for the end of the world" [unquote]
The bloodsucking Watchtower had taken EVERYTHING by then except my automobile!
Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
Matthew 24:35- " Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away". Growing up lifelong Jehovah's Witness from a devout family.This declaration by Jesus was applied to the Watchtower's1914 'generations' prophecy in talks and in WT written publications. MILLIONS of followers were heartened that no matter what,this 'prophecy' will come to pass. Ahhh,such utter blaspheme