Does anyone have a copy of the elders manual? Is there anyway to access it online?
Secret Book
by jeeprube 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have a copy in electronic form and it's online, I'll try to find a link
Very cool. My wife wants to read it really bad!
I've sent you a PM.
If anyone wan't a PM, just let me know.
PM me your email address
In HTML format the zip file is only 100k
(I don't take credit for creating this - thanks to the soul who put it in this format.)
Somewhere there is also a PDF version of the book. --VM44
I have it in HTML format as well, and printed it off and brought it with me, showing the elders in my hall right from the book where they screwed up. I don't think they appreciated it.
Somewhere there is also a PDF version of the book. --VM44
I suspect there *might* be... maybe you can PM me and I *might* be able to find one.
Thanks everybody, we got the book file and are downloading it now. Talk about legalistic. I think the WTS has outdone the Pharasees in traditions of men!