Blondie and others,
I've been skimming these articles you review for some time now and enjoying your thoughts. Thank you!
Today I had a few thoughts of my own like paragraph 13. I realized the reasoning in the paragraph was faulty.
It states we should reflect like mirrors what God does. But God according to them, did not come to preach, he sent his son to do the work.
Does that mean it would be okay for us to send our children out, kinda like the Mormons--actually, they follow this line of reasoning more closely.
I don't mean this to sound like I accept the trinity teaching, I don't really.
But I did catch faulty reasoning here. I am going to study up more on logic and argument. I think everyone would benefit on learning what a logical argument trully is. Especially if one is betting her life and happiness on a belief system.
Does God really perservere? I mean, if you think about it, God holds the power for all things. It's more like he allows things to happen. So if we were mirroring him what would that really mean?
I think it would mean we test our children continually, making them suffer to prove our love over and over,like some insecure, controlling, emotionally incesting parent, asking them to do something we won't even do ourselves.
I have developed a much more balanced and personal view of God, I think now, by a lot of thought and research on my own..
But I was just looking very hard today at the what the wt says about God and what he supposedly expects of us.
I also noticed para 15 didn't have one scripture in it to back up the thoughts therein.
Thank you for all your hard work. It is a reminder of how we should all be doing critical thinking about the things we read and see and hear.