Maybe "apostates" should embrace the practise of shunning, encourage it.
I wouldn't go that far, but I do agree that it all depends on the view that the individual takes of their painful experiences. As has been said by mental health workers, No one would choose to go through painful experiences for the sake of giving their life a purpose, but given that you have been through a painful experience, how sad it would be not to find a wider purpose in it.
I literally had a choice of being personally crushed and defeated by being disfellowshiped or learning to grow from the experience and become stronger. To me, it just made more sense to not let this cruel and painful experience defeat me and to view it as an opportunity to stand on my own two feet and work out what I wanted my life to stand for.
JWs can think of me what they like; I have risen above their petty-mindedness and have learned so much about taking responsibility for my life and heading in a valued direction.