I was just looking at some old pictures from WTS magazines. I noticed something I cant understand. The car in the picture is a Buick Park Avenue! Why would Jehovah destroy the car he has chosen to lead his only true people in service? Something is very wrong here. Any ideas?
New Revelation
by gringojj 20 Replies latest jw friends
Darth Yhwh
Yikes! That's a pretty scary illustration. This is the kind of picture that I would zone out on for an hour instead of paying attention to the study article.
I see where your going with this line of questioning. Your probably right. Jehovah is destroying the Buick because at the time of attack it was occupied by several Governing Body members. LOL
Isnt that a graphic picture?
One would think that Jehovah would spare his only true vehicle, along with his only true people. With the resureccted all over the world, surely the jws will need a nice 4 door car to get to them all. Why is Jehovah destroying this seemingly roadworthy Buick? Slaughtering the unfaithful I can understand, the jws will have no use for them. But an innocent Buick?
in a new york bethel minute
your commentary actually made me LOL!!! the artist probably had a run-in with a CO at one point and wanted to depict him being destroyed along with his wife and car...
Darth Yhwh
Too funny gringojj, too funny!
That's the picture I was just talking about in the other thread! See Will Smith on the bottom right? Dan Akroyd with the gun? and the guy on the bottom left looks like the other guy from the old Sat. Night Live and he was also in Third Rock from the Sun, can't think of his name.
Yes thats John Lovitz. Carla it was actually your thread that made me go back and look at the pics. LOL
It also could be argued that Michael Keaton is the guy in the air between the Buick and Dan Akroyd. Any other stars in there? Janine Garafalo?
The guy with only a head kind of looks like a young Clint Eastwood, but, maybe I'm stretching it a bit.