after several attempts to log on, im finally in! woohoo!
Well my story goes as follows, grew up a dub, in northern england, mum, dad, and the rest of us brood, dad becomes an elder sisters pioneers, and me and me brother were regular "publishers". Congregation was a mix of old and new folks, but there were certain familys who did everything they wanted and got away with it, if anyone tried to counter this the elders would back them up to the hilt, funny that the families in question had a bit of money eh!
Well had the usual Dub schoollife, shunned by my peers laughed at and generally a crappy school life. Did we find solidarity amongst our christian brothers, noooooo we were shunned by them who made it evenharder for us by pointing us out at every possible opportunity!!!
Well life goes on, until im about 14 or 15 and realise that hey this is pretty abnormal, so i started asking questions and that was like opening up pandoras box, i started questioning everything i was taught, pulling every experience i had with my fellow "brothers" into question, which was spuriously hushed up or selectively answered out of existence. So this kinda made me realise that hey Im not for this cult which i realised it was by then, yet for family unity i paid my lip service! Amongst all this I travelled and broadened my horizons, met non dubs and realised that the dubs were wrong period, about everything! what a showstopper that turned out to be. The final straw for me personally was i was called into a backroom meeting with a kangaroo apointed court of elders about some event that took place 5 years earlier (im 21 or so at this time) I had grown up with a lot of sisters who were cool, one in particualr we had a bit of an affair, i really liked her, but with my foresight knew it wouldn't go anywhere. So a few years pass, and i'm in and out of a non-relationship i called it, with another sister and she broke my heart, thanks to the intervention and meddling of her mother and the elders, the usual BS excuses about bad influences etc...
Well back to the court room! Im up for a DF'ing because this sister took offence at me having the gall of moving on with my life and not having a relationship with her and blabbed a string of lies about what we got upto etc etc, so as the elders saw fit, a perfect opportunity to make an example of me once and for all!
Oh were they in for a shock! I point blank refused to answer any questions they had, and offered them one thing, I'll take the rap for whatever you like as long as the following get DF'ed too, and told every single elder in that room the facts i had about each one of them!
All sons and daughtersof theirs, we all got drunk, we all had smoked, the usual teenage stuff!!! They knew at teh time yet nothing was said, yet it seemed whatever was good for them wasn;t so for the "outsiders" that is the rest of us poor souls who werent privledged to have a CO or PO for a dad!
They concluded that i was being unchristian by laying these heinous charges at their offspring! "like the one you accused me of?" i said!
Speechless, i left them with the best line i could think of, "you can all go get fu@ked" and that was my last ever dealings with them! Huzzah!
Now the rest of my story...
My dad was an Elder, he had an affair after my sister got married, got DF'ed, mum and dad got divorced, my sisters took it bad, my brother drifted away and got into a relationship and had 3 kids, my younger sister tried to kill herself a few times, becuase of the leper treatment she got from the rest of the cong, my older sister still goes, and although i love her to bits, she still hopes i die before armageddon so i can be saved!!!
I subsequently moved to Australia, met and married an awesome greek girl and have never been happier! I see the poor souls on the ministry plying the same old tired copies of the Watchtower and the Asleep! I laugh to myself and think "You poor fools"
Although ive been out for years i still get the odd mental stop sign, like the blood issue, although i know thats stupid, and i would take whatever is needed if in a situation that needed it, because i have a family who loves me and wants me around as much as i possible can be!
I still laugh whenever i hear Hendrix on the radio singing "all along the watchtower" becasue when i was a kid, we had to clean the kingdom hall on a saturday, as part of our Hitler Youth style of indoctrination, and i knew how to operate the microphones and sound gear so there's me and me mate up on the platform belting out at top volume with Hendrix on the PA system... priceless!
Ok enough blah now, love this site, if only the internet was around 20 years ago, i could of saved myself the heartache of going it alone!!
tara for now!
Hi im a new member!
by skinnyboy 36 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome skinnyboy!
Glad you found the place skinny. Hope to hear more from you real soon.
hey- can a mod break the original post into paragraphs? offense skinny....the block is hard to read....
Welcome Skinnyboy!! It's nice to have another new poster on the board.
Doesn't it feel good to just tell it like it is? Welcome to the board!
Im up for a DF'ing because this sister took offence at me having the gall of moving on with my life and not having a relationship with her and blabbed a string of lies about what we got upto etc etc, so as the elders saw fit, a perfect opportunity to make an example of me once and for all! Oh were they in for a shock! I point blank refused to answer any questions they had, and offered them one thing, I'll take the rap for whatever you like as long as the following get DF'ed too, and told every single elder in that room the facts i had about each one of them! All sons and daughtersof theirs, we all got drunk, we all had smoked, the usual teenage stuff!!!
Welcome oh, skinney one!
Welcome to JWD, skinny boy. Your story shows a lot of similarities with other's stories. The higher up a person gets in the cong, the easier sins can be forgiven.
Awww..much easier to read thanks Simon. Skinny, I'm going to read it all over without distraction now.
Welcome Skinny !