Next Date to Be Moved 1914 to 1957.

by Blueblades 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Here is what was mentioned in COC. It was mentioned that the generation date could be moved from 1914 to 1957, while the end of the Gentiles times could stay at 1914.N.H.Knorr mentioned that he was not sure about 1914 being the date for the end of the Gentile times .This can be found in chapter 10 of COC. So, the Governing Body can if they want to, do what they would not do back in the day when they rejected doing it at all, being as they were divided in this decision at that time.

    So, they would leave 1914 as the End of the Gentile Times, and re-instate the Generation Doctrine from 1914 to the 1957 date. This would give them another window of years ( 43 more years 1914 TO 1957 ) to hold onto the rank and file. 1957 to 70/ 80 years later moves the Generation to 2027/20037

    Naw, they wouldn't do this.They promised not to fool around with this dating stuff ever again,right.TICK TOCK! TICK TOCK! TICK TOCK! TICK TOCK!


  • stillajwexelder

    1957 was significant -space age, rocket technology and hence ballistic missile technology etc

  • jaffacake

    Yes, I remember the Governing Body debating a proposal to switch the date from 1914 to 1957. I seem to recall it was because of the launch of Sputnik into space. The debate was in the 1970s I think.

    The most interesting thing is that the members of the FDS on the Gov Body who supported such a change, clearly had serious doubts about the 1914 date, but went along with the majority vote. Yet rank & file JWs dare not have such doubts.

  • gaybeat

    I'm pretty confused on the Gentile Times thingy. Lol

    I Hope they don't move it because, then i'd be apart of "This Generation" and i'd have a harder time disproving it.

  • Blueblades

    HI! STILLER! 1957 Marked the year when the first Russian Sputnik was launched into outer space.COC. on page 251 explained:

    "Evidently the Chairman's Committee felt that that event could be accepted as marking the start of the fulfillment of these words of Jesus:

    The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Matthew 24:29"

    Based on that application, their conclusion would be as they stated: Then 'this generation' would refer to contemporary mankind living as knowledgeable ones from 1957 onward.


  • gaybeat
    "Evidently the Chairman's Committee felt that that event could be accepted as marking the start of the fulfillment of these words of Jesus:

    The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Matthew 24:29"

    Lol i wonder what they would do if an eclipse happened instead.

  • Elsewhere

    The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Matthew 24:29"

    Based on that application, their conclusion would be as they stated: Then 'this generation' would refer to contemporary mankind living as knowledgeable ones from 1957 onward.

    I'm sure they could get most JWs to swallow this with a big reluctant gulp the same way they redefined the word "generation". However, If they were going to do this, they should have done it back when a rocket launch was still as amazing as watching a man be raised from the dead.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    If they were going to do this, they should have done it back when a rocket launch was still as amazing as watching a man be raised from the dead.

    that's a good point elsewhere... they should have done it while they had the chance... people don't even think about rockets and space travel anymore... unless they're astronauts and it's their job to think about it


    p.s. sometimes i think about it but only because im a little nerdy ;)

  • still wondering
    still wondering


    i.m new here. can you tell me what the publication COC is and where i can read it?

    many thanks

  • kid-A

    You can order it here:

    Its a fantastic book written by a former member of the governing body, Ray Franz, detailing his disillusionment and exile from the WTS during the great WTS purge of 1980.

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