Anyone here ever taken Valium?

by Schizm 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Yah, I know what you are saying, Scully, and it was not my intent to suggest that you were downplaying the effects. As a medical professional, I realize that it is important and ethical for you to present only the most technically accurate information. My MD gets really annoyed about teh fact that so many people do not realize how addictive these drugs can be, but the literature seems to be written so that the lay person assumes the risk is minimal.

    The Ativan is not too strong, but taking them daily for several weeks can be enough to make some people dependent. Even though I only took it once every couple weeks or so, after a while I needed 2, then 3, to be able to sleep. It's a very insidious drug.

    Remember that book and movie "I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can?" That was about a valium addict.


  • doofdaddy

    In the past I used valium to bring me down from bad acid trips and I must say it was amazingly effective. But

    A number of years ago a had a herniated disc in my lower back. Agony with early zero sleep for weeks. My doctor (amongst other drugs) put me on valium 5 mls 3 times a day. I was a zombie.

    After a couple of months I just couldn't take the fog any longer and stopped cold. Bad move. Hallucinations, sweats, poor sleep. I was hooked.

    It took a couple of weeks to get through (on top of the back pain).

    My doctor never mentioned side effects, I'm sure because at the time that was considered a minor dose.

  • Leolaia

    I took it only once, as a "muscle relaxant" I had a muscle in my nether regions that kept contracting giving me painful cramps. The first 20 contractions felt good (like an orgasm)....the next 1,000+ hurt like the dickens.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    In my late teen years (*sigh*) I was put on 5mg valium 3 times daily for a week, followed by another week on 2mg/3 times daily. - 5mg practically knocked me out. 2mg just made me sleepy.

    It took that short time for me to get addicted - took me another 6 months to come off tranquilisers completely. I wouldn't reccommend then unless there's no alternative.

  • kazar

    I agree with all comments here of the highly addictive properties of valium. I was prescribed the drug in the '80s for anxiety, quickly developed a tolerance and subsequent addiction to it for 10 years. Extremely difficult withdrawal. It was just as addictive psychologically for me as physically because of its calming effects. If you do take it -- do it only for a short time, so you don't develop a tolerance.

  • rebel8

    I have treated countless people for benzodiazapine addictions. Detoxing is very similar to alcohol detox.

    There are plenty of drugs available for anxiety, several less addictive than benzos. Seeing a board certified psychiatrist is best--someone who specializes in these types of drugs.

    He/she can also provide you with some techniques to decrease anxiety. Coupling medication with behavioral techniques has been shown to be most effective. There is a great book called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. I think it's about $20 at Barnes & Noble.

  • Gretchen956

    The only time I take Valium is before a dentist visit. One tab don't know the dosage. Its never been enough to make me addicted but it is enough to help me go to the dentist. I'd rather get hit by a car than go to the dentist. I'm more scared of dentists than spiders! Don't know why, just am.


  • lisaBObeesa

    I took one valium one time, under the care and direction of a doctor. It was to help me relax. And it did.

    It really, really did help me relax. I loved that valium. I mean I loved it. When I am stressed out now, I actually think back to that one valium 8 years ago, and wish I could have some now.

    I have 100% no doubt that I would become addicted to that stuff almost instantly if I had access to it. I think it is best I stay away from valium.

  • under74

    I've taken it a few times. I usually get a prescription for it if I'm going to be on a plane for more than 2 hours...or just like Sherry--going to the dentist. The dentist thing only happened after my first ever root canal 3 years ago. It freaked the hell out of me and after it was over I walked out to the waiting room with my hands shaking and promptly passed out. But yeah, it can be addictive so it's best not to have it as anything other than a crutch for the really difficult occassions.

  • Iforget

    For what it's worth..I have a prescription and take one MAYBE two a month for Aunt Flow cramps. It's the only thing that works for my endometriosis. They give me 12 a year and they last. I wouldn't think of taking it otherwise. They tell me it's highly addictive and make sure I am not abusing it.

    I found out how well it works during our IVF's. You take one before they transfer embryos into you because they want the uterus completely relaxed and zero cramping.

    It's not something I would take daily. I take it and go to bed and the cramps are at rest and so am I.

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