What do you say in field service?

by blindersoff 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Blindersoff -

    One: I am glad that you have learned the falacy of the organization being God's exclusivie people.

    Two: I am glad you consider holding the family together an important facet of life.

    Three: There is no major doctrine or minor one that the witnesses teach that I could go to doors and spread now that I am aware of the facts. They have attempted to interlope into the place of Christ, assuming his mediatorship. They have misapplied nearly every scripture they use. There is no form of Christian love within this cabal that Christ would recognize. Even the field service that they claim has scriptural backing is a misunderstanding and misapplication of what Paul and Peter did in their evangelizing work. They have lied to the flock and to new recruits the same. If anyone would be 'accidently' attracted to this organization by you, how would you handle that?

    What is this need to return to field service at all? I can understand reinstatement in some cases, but why move beyond that? Is it impossible in your case to just get reinstated - develop 'weakness' and just fade off? Perhaps an occasional meeting to keep things intact with the family?

    I spent nearly 50 years in this organization - I was as devoted as they come in all regards - I was never disciplined, or Df'd - but I love my God of the Bible too much to go back to the sickness of the cult. I hope you don't get caught up in that again. I do not encourage anything that would cause you to endanger a real relationship with God and His Christ.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Blinders,

    For what it's worth, I can see why you're doing what you're doing. For your own sake, I hope your fade includes an eventual drop of field service altogether. You could still turn in the time slips, a few hours a month. You can always claim you talked to people at work, or telelmarketers, or whatever.

    It's hard enough to convince anyone at the doors to accept a Bible study, harder still to get any to come to meetings. If you aren't really trying, I can't see you "accidentally" bringing someone into this cult. I wouldn't worry a whit about "planting seeds" and all that. Like someone else mentioned, just present a scripture and let it go at that. No need to brandish mags or any other propaganda.

    You guys that are coming after him for "hyposcrisy" have to recognize that he's trying to wiggle out of a cult with as little damage as possible. It's not a "have your cake and eat it too" situation. It's a "losing both legs and trying to preserve an arm or two" situation. It's survival. The cult he's trying to extract himself from is the enemy here, the one drawing up the rules of the game.

    Good luck!


  • rebel8
    there must be something truthful to present

    To accomplish that, you would need to stay completely clear of JW teachings. Bring only your Bible, tell the householder you are there to give a word of encouragement, read a scripture, and leave. No literature, no JW interpretations, no further contact with JWs.

    Of course then you are leaving the householder with a positive image of JWs--is that something you really want to do? As defd said, there is no way to avoid "planting seeds". Maybe instead you should be really obnoxious so as to scare them off permanently.

    I guess you'd have to work alone in order to avoid being found out by others in your car group. You'd also have to mark everyone "at home" in order to avoid JWs from coming back again. Also mark everyone "not interested" to avoid someone doing return visits.

  • truthseeker


    You may not realize this truths, but you are actually PLANTING seeds in people. You wouldnt need to follow up on it. Jehovah will be sure to make it grow.

    Maybe I am, but the point is I can't share false beliefs about the organization.

    If I don't go out on service, I will suffer because of my family members who are still in. I know some can just say, "walk away, if you really don't believe it don't do it", but each situation is different.

    I am waiting patiently for the right time.

    I don't need any more stress than I have at the moment.

    How could an organization with 126 years of false prophecies, possibly be chosen by the God for "which it is impossible for him to lie."?

    It's a cult, pure and simple.

    The phrases, "Service to Jehovah", "Jehovah, His Word, and his Organization", "obey the faithful slave" only serve to reinforce the FACT that Jehovah's Witnesses are not truly Chirstian and have no relationship with Jesus.

  • defd

    How could an organization with 126 years of false prophecies, possibly be chosen by the God for "which it is impossible for him to lie."?

    Truth, same ? can be asked about Jehovahs Org in times past. Look at His people Isreal. At times they were the biggest bunch of Hypocrites, liars and idolators around. They were even worse than the pagan Nations around them. BUT they were still Gods people. The channel of PURE worship STILL came through that arrangement. Look at the 1st Century Congregations. NONE, I mean NONE were problem free. They had Liars, hypocrites,divisions,people teaching wrong doctrines and the list goes on and on. BUT they were still Jesus Congregations. The channel which true worship would be taught and practiced!

  • Finally-Free

    Sample presentation:

    "Good morning! Nice to find you home today! We're calling on people today to offer the latest installment of cult propaganda in the form of our Watchtower and Awake magazines! They combine half truths, outright lies, and pre-selected bible proof texts so as to give you our perspective on world events as they relate to our version of the scriptures! But most importantly, WE ACCEPT DONATIONS!!!"


  • truthseeker

    Defd, you keep using the phrase "Jehovah's Organization" for past history - it doesn't wash with me.

    Jehovah had a chosen "nation", different from being a member of an "organization."

    I have heard time and again, that all the organizations Jehovah used were corrupt, etc, and there is truth to that.

    The thing is, everything you say is in the bible EXCEPT the modern day religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    You use the buzzword, "Channel" - not in the Bible.

    Jehovah's "channel" for ancient Israel were the high priests, prophets, designated and appointed by God himself. Such cannot be said of the Governing Body today.

    The latest additions are FRAUDS, they weren't even born in 1935, yet they claim to be anointed.

    The GB make decisions by VOTING - two thirds majority vote.

    If you haven't done so, read CoC, and see what Franz is talking about.

    I am trying my best not to insult you, or offfend you, but I was raised in the org, and I see the man behind the curtain.

    There are however, plenty of accounts in the Bible that speak about FALSE PROPHETS and what happens to them.

  • truthseeker

    The other thing that bothers me, the GB know full well that the latest additions to the Governing Body are too young to be truly anointed, yet they did not even attempt to justify there position by saying that these men are "replacements" for those anointed who were unfaithful.

    By their omission, they have already rescinded their teaching that the anointed were sealed in 1935.

  • rebel8

    Well truthseeker, maybe your best bet is to come down with a fake debilitating illness. Lawrence had a good point...........why don't you get chronic laryngytis or something of that nature? Pink eye? Meningitis? Something that physically prevents you from going in FS or something highly contagious.

    Then again.....and I'm not judging you, just giving you a thought.......how bad would it be to become inactive in FS and still go to the meetings? They will be hurt but they'll get over it. It's not the biggest deal.

    And Lawrence, you crack me up every day. You are hilarious!

  • blindersoff

    Thanks for the replies. Especially those who have 'been there--done that.' These folks can see that the issue is not 'to go or not to go'.

    I'm still hoping to hear from more of the 'here is what I do' class. If I just wanted to spread the same old thing I used to, there would be no need for this thread.

    ps-----this is not about the annointed or the GB

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