I realized that one year has passed since I initially signed up on this board. A year ago I was afraid of being part of this place; but knew it was necessary if I wanted to move beyond where I was. Today I am totally comfortable being around here. Experience is a great teacher. People are so human. I hate the way the WTBTS paints those who leave the organization. In many ways, they are just so wrong.
I asked myself a question today about how much this place has been of support and enlightement to me. Has my being here added to my life or just made things more confusing where I am? It has been an interesting journey. At times it is overwhelming. But some days I'll take away a nugget or two that makes me stronger, more aware, and less naiive about the organization, people, and life itself. I have gained a lot of insight through the contributions of others—even if I am not on the same wavelength as them. There is a lot of clutter here sometimes, but layered within are things worthy of coming back for. I am not a mega-poster; the way I contribute and absorb has very little to do with the number under my name. I am very involved at times behind the scenes and often with my heart and mind.
I have come to realize the value in being open to new ideas. Of listening to people who I would never have the opportunity to IRL. To at least give consideration to ideas that I've never been "allowed" to before. I still may not agree, but I learn to see how another person does. To me, that has much value.
Thank you to everyone who comes to this board with something to share. To discuss things in a constructive way. To help others, and to inform others. And even when you share something very human about yourself, it may resonate in people in ways you may never realize. We all impact someone else's life—even if we just reply with one of these -->
I am so thankful that we have this medium to group together. I can't imagine how lonely and isolated people were before being able to go online and connect with others who shared this part of their lives.
I hurt for all of you who are hurting. I am sad that the people who should be showing the most love and support to you are governed by policies and rules . . . that are just so ridiculous sometimes.
I have made great strides over this past year. I am in the middle of some major breakthroughs with some people in my life; dealing with issues that have held me in limbo for quite a few years. I am growing up.
Thank you again, all. And to Simon and Angharad, thank you for all you do to maintain this place. It has truly added value to my life.
Kind regards,
(edited to fix a speeling error