You know what blondie I NEVER thought about that - maybe it is because during that case in Florida where that lady was taken off of life support , and I told my husband that I DO NOT want to be kept alive like that.. Just ME personally, Im a pretty proud person and I would hate to be seen like that, he said , whatever, I want you to do EVERYTHING in your power to save me if thats me and Im not gonna let them kill you honey.. So I guess I assumed he was thinking logically if that happened.. But I do need get that straight out in the open, because I will NOT let my son die or get sicker because of some Miscontrued Bible Verse :|
A Story and A Little Bit of Grattitude
by MrsBee 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Mrs.Bee, I've got to tell you this is the greatest group of people you will ever talk to. JWD members help and support you in the most wonderful ways. There is always someone here with a listening ear and if you ever need information.....just come on and ask! I'm fairly new myself and I've gotta tell you the exchange of life experiences and knowledge is unbelievable! And don't worry about rambling...they're all so very tolerant!
Welcome aboard for one of the best rides you will ever take!
Thanks Carol for the advice - I never want to post too much because with all the questions I have I could come off as a precocious little kid . I also read alot here trying to find answers to things before I ask typical me.. My emotions are also on edge, I have 17 days until my due date, and we get into a discussion today and he starts talking about him not going to church and showing GOD he doesnt love him.. so *sigh* he is going to go into his mode of tryin to preach to me for the next couple of days and then Ill probably end up hurting his feelings cuz Im gonna be like this. I figure he will understand one day that there aint no way Im about to be apart of that Organization...
He always says things like he isnt being a good husband because he isnt bettering his relationship with GOD as head of household.. *sigh* it literally makes me cry sometimes!!!!!! I hope to find a church that I can go to, I hope to get some hobbies outside of the house so that when the fateful time comes that he is in KH 3 days a week I can have something to do without feeling abandoned..
Does any of this make sense... *chuckle*
Welcome, MrsBee!!!
As a suggestion, you might consider attending and then asking thorough questions after about the things taught. After all, a newly interested one has every right to wonder about the teachings. You could bounce the contents of the meeting off us, if you like, to find out what questions would be appropriate to the material .
Also, Quotes site is chock-full of information published by the JWs. Your husband would have no trouble reading it. I share your pain over a JW mate.
OldSoul -
Thx Old Soul - I was going to at least go with him once..I just get VERY uneasy with the idea of going, those people are manipulators, he is gonna go back and get love bombed.. and me the pessimistic person that I am will be like how can ANYONE fall for this, but that Im sure has ALOT to do with my hard headedness.. I wouldnt fit in with them.. But I was gonna go for moral support for him.. I have already told him that I will support him as much as my conscience and my heart will allow, but JEEEEEEZ!!!! It just drives me Loco! I cant go right now though, because Im about to have this baby and I will tell somebody off so fast , and then they will be calling me Satan LOLOLOL.
My mother is no help, she is an extremist on the other side of "religion" she is on the give me your money GOD will bless you side of thing , LOLOL.
Another question : is it the JW way to make everyone feel non-important, or that you are not allowed to be an individual...??
Andrea Wideman
You are not allowed to be an individual. You are suppose to think what the GB thinks and do what they say. Anything else gets frowned upon. I was told that it is important for my kids to go to all meeetings. The problem is that so many of them are at night when they should be sleeping. I was constantly asked where they were during these evening meetings. I said at home in bed. My answer wasn't well liked.
When a new statement was released, by the GB, and I asked questions just so I could understand where they were coming from I got funny looks.
I hope you have a speedy, safe, and pain free delivery. -
Wasanelder Once
Good question: "Is it the JW way to make everyone feel non-important, or that you are not allowed to be an individual...??"
Things are much more subtle than you think. They make you feel non-important by emphasizing Jehovah's Organization above you. God is in control, so let him. All wrongs will be righted in time. Be patient. Suck up. Hurt. Wait. Get screwed by the only people allowed to be imperfect even though they KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE the importance of being "Righteous". The short answer is, make Jehovah happy by suppressing your individuality. This makes you precious in the eyes of the Lord, not using the brain he gave you.
Have a healthy baby and don't let the little one grow up under the grip of this personality crippling organization. Go to a few meetings and ask questions of them, the NGO etc. The one I love to ask is, "If I am not a baptized witness and I attend all the meetings, will Jehovah still destroy me?" Make them answer. If they say, "I don't know" then you have a green light to say, "Hmmm, maybe it doesn't matter then if I go to all the meetings, Jehovah knows my heart." or if they say "Yes", then you can say, "Hmmm, I thought it was christ's sacrafice that brings a clean standing, declared righteous for survival. Does meeting attendance bring righteousness before God?" See what the robots say? "Its works of faith that bring righteousness." They'll say. I ask, "Who judges those works and who decides what they are?" man you'll be opening the can of worms there. Try to do so in a calm reasonable, nonargumentative manner. You can do it.
After baby bee is bouncing in the bassenit.
Welcome Mrs. Bee and keep us updated. Your story is like mine except I was the Disfellowshipped Witness and my husband had never been a Witness. He also refused to accompany me to the Kingdom Hall. He said he would not go to a place where people would not speak to me. My husband died 10 years ago. I held on to my beliefs until I discovered this forum.