I trusted my best friend who was studying with the JW's. I went to the meetings a couple of times and a real smart sounding dude offered to 'study the bible' with me and I accepted the offer. Within a few weeks I had discarded the KJ Bible and was using the NWT because I could read it better (little did I realise there were other modern-day English translations available because I was told the NWT was the latest in language nuances). Within a few more weeks and the study had evolved into a discussion out of YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER IN PARADISE ON EARTH. The bible was hardly looked at after I had been 'studying' for about 6 weeks. Funny how things work out, though. After 15 years in, I discovered the truth about the troof and shared it with my best friend. He was all upset and ready to bail out of the sinking WT ship too until the elders discussed 'New Light' with him. Now, he shuns me. But... I am free from the mind controlling cult.