Amazingly, in the same year, may be same month, same latitude in the USofA, we will also have the launch of an even bigger craft, that is destined to finally land on the Moon and Mars. Musk"s many uses masterpiece. cheap too, reusable and paid for, not the taxpayer, but willing private consumers investors.
Europa? there the sun is 5 times smaller from here, sun light 1/25. ( 4% ) the strength of what it is here. Once there you really wish you were back in Cocoa Beach, Merritt Island FL where you started out from.
The up in that other Europa, , around noon, at the equator, where it is warmest in both ways, a spot on Europa slows to minus 3 km/sec, loops in a prolate cycloid motion in front of the sun. see: .
All great works better than battering ourselves over borders, local territory, that is not ours anyway.