Have you ever LIT A CANDLE - did it work?

by hamsterbait 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I have a friend, Paddy (RC - yeah I know, why would a dub have a satan worshiping friend)

    She is so kind and caring. Amazingly she claims that when she lights a candle and prays for something it works.

    Maybe this is just another boring "does prayer work" question - but:

    Did you ever do this and you thought your request was answered in some way??


  • kwintestal

    Mrs Kwin claims that when she lights a candle beside the cutting board when she's chopping onions that her eyes don't burn. I don't believe it, and it doesn't work for me, she does believe it, and it works for her.

    I think the two things are quite similar. Belief in something is a strong force.


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Onions make you cry because of the irritant vapor released when cutting them. This vapor can be drawn to a nearby heat source, such as a burning candle. But the candle has to be close, and you have to minimize the vapor through proper cutting technique along with using a good knife.

  • fairchild
    Did you ever do this

    numerous times

    and you thought your request was answered in some way??


    regarding the onions, at work I often stand there and slice 25 pounds of onions with the meat slicer. They make me do it, because nobody else can do so many onions without experiencing serious eye irritation. The secret? Cover your mouth with a dust mask. When you don't breathe the vapor of the onions, it will not irritate your eyes.

  • the_classicist
    Mrs Kwin claims that when she lights a candle beside the cutting board when she's chopping onions that her eyes don't burn. I don't believe it, and it doesn't work for me, she does believe it, and it works for her.

    Doesn't work for me either, which can be problematic when you're cutting up three onions for a soup. Apparently what really works is cutting the onions in a bowl of water, you just have to be careful.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have had very good experience with this prayer:

    Trust the Great Spirit.

    Do not be disturbed.

    Let nothing frighten you.

    All things pass.

    The Great Spirit never changes.

    I have had all kinds of people of all kinds of religions praying for my children and grandchildren for the past year. We can see definite results. SunnyGal from JWD has done sage ceremonies for my kids, Andy and me. Thank you, Sunny.

    The above prayer? For several weeks in a row, everywhere I turned, I read or heard trust god. Then someone gave us the above prayer, only it said God instead of Great Spirit. I changed it to Great Spirit. I have seen help, immediate help lately. When I pray, I pray to The Great Spirit and anyone, I mean anyone up there who can help. Angels, guardian angels God, Goddess, dead relatives, anyone.

    We have had some very scary things happen to our family the last year. I only knew there was something bigger and smarter than us up there, not what. I am still not sure.I just know there is something that cares. If you are having a crisis, ask lots of people to pray. Not just christians. Anyone. And don't let up. Whether it's the united positive cosmic energy and love that moves mountains, or angels or gods, it has worked for us. I'm not questioning who it is.

  • Cygnus


    I'm not questioning who it is.

    Neither shall I question your faith. It's yours and it seems harmless enough. I would just recommend to be guarded against disappointment(s).

    My brother married in a Methodist church nearly 5 years ago. Part of the ceremony included the lighting of candles, to symbolize the couple's becoming "one." He's going through a nasty divorce now, due to his wife's infidelity. Things happen because they happen. Personally, I find no reason to attribute nastiness or goodness to any supernatural being.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I practised Judaism for five years. Every Friday at sundown I lit two candles and said prayers. It did make me feel good. Like all prayer it is the effect of the person's own mind and not a non existent supernatural being or non existent supernatural world that gives the feeling of well being.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Neither shall I question your faith. It's yours and it seems harmless enough. I would just recommend to be guarded against disappointment(s).

    Believe me, I got well accustomed to disappointments while in the org. I am not a person with a well formed idea of God. I do know that in our cases, prayer, or communication with stronger, super natural powers have helped. But there have been times in my life when I felt abandoned. And one of them was before I ever was contacted by JWs. And believe me, it was a big one.

    I believe that the prayers most likely to be answered have to do with altruistic reasons and when children are involved. I know that for some reason, this world is full of tragedy though.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Every Tuesday night, a lot of JWD members participate in a vigil for Dansk. This is the kind of prayer I am talking about. Some who participate send love and energy. Some pray. Some do other similar things.

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