I have had very good experience with this prayer:
Trust the Great Spirit.
Do not be disturbed.
Let nothing frighten you.
All things pass.
The Great Spirit never changes.
I have had all kinds of people of all kinds of religions praying for my children and grandchildren for the past year. We can see definite results. SunnyGal from JWD has done sage ceremonies for my kids, Andy and me. Thank you, Sunny.
The above prayer? For several weeks in a row, everywhere I turned, I read or heard trust god. Then someone gave us the above prayer, only it said God instead of Great Spirit. I changed it to Great Spirit. I have seen help, immediate help lately. When I pray, I pray to The Great Spirit and anyone, I mean anyone up there who can help. Angels, guardian angels God, Goddess, dead relatives, anyone.
We have had some very scary things happen to our family the last year. I only knew there was something bigger and smarter than us up there, not what. I am still not sure.I just know there is something that cares. If you are having a crisis, ask lots of people to pray. Not just christians. Anyone. And don't let up. Whether it's the united positive cosmic energy and love that moves mountains, or angels or gods, it has worked for us. I'm not questioning who it is.