No more distinction, stillawitness. I speculate the change in announcement was either for legal reasons (we don't really shun people), or to leave the congregation in the dark (DA'd but assumed sinful).
by stillAwitness 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lady Lee
for a couple of you above
This is NOT an apostate website. ALL are welcome especially those who have honest questions that they are too afraid to ask in their cong.
The fact that there are more X-JWs here than active ones is beside the point. Simon has clearly stated that ALL are welcome as the icon in the top left corner states. So be nice and welcome someone who wants an honest answer
Welcome stillAwitness
I'm with jgnat on the "why" question. By using one announcement for both DA and DF, they obscure how many are leaving because they just want to and how many are being kicked out to "keep the congregation clean". If you suddenly heard about 10 people that DA'd, you might wonder what they know that you don't. You may wind up DA'ing yourself. But if you only hear "no longer a JW", you can comfortably assume they did something wrong and the doubts don't creep up.
Once again, Watchtower, well done. Beautiful work.
I think the new announcement is also a reaction to the increasing amount of disassociation's these days. The GB doesn't want regular dubs to get the impression that everyone is jumping ship willfully, and that there is something fishy going on in the Org. It blurs the line between DF'ing and DA'ing.
You would think that would get them in more troble than just announcing it like they use to. Now you could say "I never said I didnt want to be a jw!" More law suits on the way!
I think the new announcement is also a reaction to the increasing amount of disassociation's these days. The GB doesn't want regular dubs to get the impression that everyone is jumping ship willfully, and that there is something fishy going on in the Org. It blurs the line between DF'ing and DA'ing. GBL
GBL hit the nail on the head! People would start to wonder 'why' so many are leaving if they announced they 'disassociated themselves', and they might start to investigate it!
I see. I get it now. How can one be so dumb? I wonder if she even finds it weird they would announce her D'F in such way. Weird. I know what everyone is saying on here Its not like I am blind to what goes on in the WT. If I was I would not be on here. But what can I do? I still live at home, my parents are paying for my education. Would not everyone agree that it would be dumb to make an annoucement tomorrow that I don't wanna be a witness anymore? Don't you think the elders would coerce my folks in kicking me out after all I am 21 way above the legal age. Then where would I go. I am just playing it smart. Getting my education becoming financially stable and then when its time I will make that step.
Good show, stillawitness. For moral support, read RichieRich's threads. I would also suggest you privately open your own bank account and put a little money aside each month. The amount isn't important. It will be a sign of your independence. Please don't follow the example of tsunami_rider. Poor tsunami has not quite figured out what he wants out of life yet.
Welcome to the Board.
It sounds like you have your head screwed on alright. You'll be amazed at just what facts you'll find here. Don't be surprised if it makes you a little angry, at times, because it truly is astounding. The "Truth" TM is far from living up to its name...
Another young questioner. Quick question for you. How many other young JWs do you know that are like you? What I mean is, how many have your critical eye and would be likely to check things out on the 'net?
Anyway, welcome to the board. One other possibility is if she accepted a blood transfusion. She'd would have disassociated herself by her actions, yet still may be trying to repent. That scenario probably would be common knowledge in the hall, though.