Where in the bible does it talk about Field Service or preaching work?

by Buck 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    booze1.jpg (12807 bytes) Judge Rutherford

  • defd

    The big question, what is the Good News? Is it that you can all live on paradise earth, or is it that Jesus died so you can be free of sin?

    Again little understanding and much talk.

    YOU ASK: what is the Good news? It is the Good News of GODS KINGDOM for starters.

    YOU ask: Is it that you can all live on paradise earth? Yes that is part of it! The Kingdom in the Hands of Jesus as King is mankinds solution. It is by means of Gods KINGDOM that paradise will be brought about.

    You ask: or is it that Jesus died so you can be free of sin? It is not OR it is AND! Yes that is part of it too. A big part.

  • jgnat

    I am well able to defend what the Good News IS and ISN'T, defd. But not here. Want to start a thread on it?

  • defd

    Not really. Jgnat i have come to see that you really do not have a grasp on the scriptures. You say alot of what you think it means rather than what the bible says it means.You think you know it all already so no one can get anywhere with you. You refuse to except it when you are wrong. That is called haughty. Haughty people are not teachable.

  • Finally-Free
    i have come to see that you really do not a grasp on the scriptures. You say alot of what you think it means rather than what the bible says it means.You think you know it all already so no one can get anywhere with you. You refuse to except it when you are wrong. That is called haughty. Haughty people are not teachable.

    To be completely honest, I think this could be said of most JWs.


  • carla

    oh,oh, jgnat, he used the H word on you! Now isn't that loving of him. He is writing you off. Seems that anytime one makes a jw think or challenge their thinking that is the response. They write off people as unteachable because they themself find it to difficult to actually research and examine their own beliefs, yet they ask others to this everyday they knock on someones door.

  • Legolas

    Defd.....Jgnat is NOT haughty!!!! I think you know she would wipe the floor with you, sorry!

  • defd

    oh,oh, jgnat, he used the H word on you! Now isn't that loving of him. He is writing you off.

    Carla you have NO IDEA of what you are talking about. My comments about Jgnat are WELL founded. You want to be her foot step followerer, be my guest. As Jesus would say: "L ET them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” Matthew 15:14

  • upside/down

    Sorry defd, jgnat hasn't yet learned her "place"...I'm sure Jojoba will bitch-slap her sorry ass into submission...eventually.

    u/d(of the what is it with all these upitty b*tches class)

  • prophecor

    Is this really Judge Rutherford, and if so, is before or during his days when being a witness?

    booze1.jpg (12807 bytes)

    Inquiring minds want to know

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