Tell him you have some concerns and have discussed them with an anointed Brother who told you that you should not discuss those concerns with anyone "spiritually weak", since such discussion could completely demolish the faith of anyone not exceptionally robust in the Faith. .
by schne_belly 25 Replies latest jw experiences
In his eyes he will gain a massive boost in the congregation if he can reactivate a fellow witnesses daughter.
Your parents will idolise him and he will be able to give his "experience" at the next convention.
In other words he won't back off until you make it clear that you no longer want to be associated with jws.
Of course he will again score points by relating his humble, fruitless efforts at the next elders meeting
Poor girl. I've felt intimidated so many times. They love what they do & so they never see any harm in trying. But if you're not 'with it' lately, & don't need the pressure, just remember you're a professional who's WORKING. A polite but firm response is instantly empowering but not trashy. Good luck babe!
This is exactly why I prefer the DA route.......none of that "encouraging" nonsense......I make my wishes known to everyone and no problems......I could never live with myself if I had to duck and run for cover every time one of those peoples came around.....just my opinion
I used ud suggestion, had my husband be my protecter, The elders always thought they could talk with me more readily than my hubby, one day I came home so husband flew over to elders house and flat out told him to stop bullying his wife, and as my head talk to him................well needless to say he said how sorry he was. And ever since there is peace, even when I see him, he is very kind to me but does not pry, Thank Jah for the headship arrangement..........
God, doesn`t this bring back memories. When I was around 14, I was "fading" too. I just wanted out. As my father had recently passed away, the elders and ms decided to "take responsibility"m picking me up after school, having bible study with me, picking up my mother (and me) for meetings, etc. Like they were my damn fathers. After a while I started jumping out the window to escape, when they came to pick me up, hid in the hall after school when I knew the guy would be waiting for me in the parking lot to pick me up for Bible study, etc. I was a fugitive at age 14. If they hadn`t eventually stopped, I`d probably have gone nuts, hurt someone or whatever. Damn them all to hell.