If you ever thought about buying the book, "In The Truth," by Paul McCool ( featured on the banner ad ) now is the time to do it. Amazon is selling the book for $.01 ( one cent ) through their promotional plan.
Just thought I'd pass that on.
by Tigerman 10 Replies latest jw friends
If you ever thought about buying the book, "In The Truth," by Paul McCool ( featured on the banner ad ) now is the time to do it. Amazon is selling the book for $.01 ( one cent ) through their promotional plan.
Just thought I'd pass that on.
Tiger man
I have deleted the other thread with the same name.
There was nothing in the original post
Lady Lee . . .thank you.
Hmm... where are you seeing $0.01?
jstalin . . .go to Amazon.com and in their book section type in the title and author or just the author's name. It's there, I just checked.
can you buy it from england?
Cordelia . . .you may buy it in England , however, I didn't see the promo on Amazon's UK site.
I went to Amazon and didn't see it selling for $0.01; it was around 16.95 or the paperback
Oh, I see it now; only if you apply for their visa credit card
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Amazon! but will not ever buy anything on credit unless my life depended on it.