What happened to the old Pro-JW forums, and when did they disappear?

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I just did a search on Google for pro-JW forums, there doesn't seem to be any.

    I remember the old days, back in the 90's...

    You had:

    www.witnesses.net - closed around 2000

    www.jwzone.org - closed around 2001 - are they still active but under a different name?

    www.witnessesonline.org ?

    anyone remember any others?

  • truthseeker

    Just found this regarding the old JWZone site...


    A Moment of Mourning
    Filed under: @ 1/1/2004 7:24 pm

    Please pardon me for interjecting a personal note, but I feel compelled to write about this.

    When I was a Witness, I helped run a BB for JWs called jwzone.org. When I left the JWs, my fellow site admins got spooked because I hadn’t given them advance warning (I had planned to, but word got out sooner than I expected). They shut down the site and moved it to a hidden location.

    Today, I was looking at my web hosting bill, and realized that I was still paying hosting charges for the site. So I went to shut it down.

    The site’s databases had been cleared; the only posts and profiles that had been left were Meia’s and mine. It was like a virtual shunning. The site’s scripts–including custom modifications that I had peformed–had been deleted. (Ironically, they left backups of the whole database in the root directory.) And empty subdomains had been created, ‘apostate.jwzone.org’ and ‘we.r.jwzone.org’.

    It just all added up to a painful reminder of friendships lost. It’s impossible not to feel sad when finally pulling the plug on a project that lasted nearly three years. But my real mourning is over the relationships sacrificed on the altar of religious control.

  • mrsjones5

    Wow! Another dub bites the dust. This is why the society is so afraid of the internet. It's just too easy to find out the real truth about the wts and the lies it has told and are still telling.

    Great topic Truthseeker


  • truthseeker

    This is a forum for JW's to host their blogs...


  • truthseeker

    Thanks Josie!!

  • Country_Woman

    I am not "googling" but I thought that this forum was pro-JW when started - and since changed.

    Maybe other forums did change like wise ?

  • mrsjones5

    You're right. A long time ago (In cyber years which isnt that long) it was pro-jw but sorta liberal. Membership wasnt resricted to just jws. I even joined but never posted until a few years after when the format changed.

  • hideme

    I remember sister soup - for jw sisters only. It has been shut down because a CO pressed the sister who started it, to close the board.

  • TD

    anyone remember any others?

    Yes, there's a heavily (cough cough) moderated pro-JW forum called "Touchstone" http://www.touchstoneforum.com

    The board owners/moderators are decent enough people, but they won't allow competent critics to participate

    [Edited to add] Entire threads get "lost" when JW positions are not defended well

  • DevonMcBride

    There are several of pro-JW groups on Myspace. Myspace is the "underground" version of Yahoo. The Society became aware of the JW sites and pressured the owners to close down. Some of them moved to Myspace which is/was not very well known. Now many elders are learning of these myspace JW groups and starting to put the pressure on again.

    Incidentally, I am on 2 JW myspace groups and they are certainly much more wild than than other groups that shut down. There's a lot more younger witnesses that talk about underage drinking, getting drunk, using drugs, sex, getting tattoos, going to college, hanging with worldly people, and other things "good" witnesses don't do. Many of these JW's are in "good standing" at their congregations too.

    I'm wondering how long it will be for these groups to shut down.

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