most HATED thing about the meetings ...

by alliwannadoislive 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    Hey ya'll ... ain't tuesdays, thursdays and sundays even better nowadays ?

    I was wondering what it is that you hated most about the meets ?

    The one thing that used to really rile me was the pressure to control the children - the frowns and the disapproving looks when they were just behaving like normal kids ...

    The worst of it all for me was seeing any little person being taken outside and hearing the loud slaps even when the door was closed ...

    What is it that YOU least miss ?

  • bigboi


    I used to hate the Service meeting. The presentations were almost alwyas horribly presented and the elders and MS servants assigned to conduct the parts were seldom out in service for any significant length of time. It was just so evident that ppl were not prepared or really even cared about field service.



  • Francois

    Never thought about it much since there was nothing I liked about the meetings except their ending. I have to agree that the kids were spanked way too much, and brought back in sobbing. I hated that with a passion.

    And what were we going to do with all that quiet anyway? listen to incompetently presented lectures on topics of doubtful legitimacy and incontestable hypocrisy?

    In my hall, elder A was a good friend, but elder B was out to get him, because elder A was popular and elder B was not. Elder B was a known sot. I will never forget being asked to go to the second school room by elder B, where he wanted to probe me about the drinking habits of elder A when he was at my home. "Well, C.B.," I said, "he drinks a whole lot less than you."

    C.B. was not a happy puppy with that answer. He was later removed as an elder after I got the ball rolling with a letter to Borg headquarters. It was one of the highlights of my ministry.


  • Bendrr

    Hey Francoise, would that be "C. B." as in "Mitchell"?

  • somebody

    hi alliwannadoislive, ( great name)

    I hated what you hated except i saw TODDLERS beaten. It went way beyond spankings.

    I hated going to the meetings and looking at all the the people who tried so hard to show dictated kindness because they were forced to fake it all. Nothing was spiritual at all. The ONLY one thing I liked about the meetings is that I got to see one person that I had a liking to.

    I hated the meetings all the way around otherwise.

    sorry to be a downer, but you asked.


  • alliwannadoislive

    hey somebody - was cool meeting you in chat ... name comes from a 'korn' track ... sigh, yet another thing i was banned from doing - ie listening to heavy metal ...

    why did we all go to the meets when it is sooooooo against our beter nature and better judgement ? ... i agree that pretty much most of the meets were dire ... am struggling to think of any bits i actually enjoyed ... nah, not even the association afterwards ... how comes we all didn't find each other there then ? ... i guess there must be more like us still in there waiting to be liberated ...

  • outcast

    *** w80 6/1 16 Praying to Jehovah so as to Be Heard ***
    IT HAPPENED at a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Despite repeated stern looks and whispered reproofs from her mother, a little girl continued to misbehave. The mother then signaled for the father to take over, and he did. With his daughter, he strode toward a small room at the rear of the hall. Realizing what was in store for her, the little girl cried out: “O Jehovah, please help!”

    That was, and is, my most hated memory.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    I hated the boring, repetitive themes of the talks, though they could be interesting depending on the speaker and if he was good at illustrating points. The Watchtower study was the most boring thing and I could barely stand the way a tiny paragraph would be read and then we had to answer such a simplistic answer. I always thought that it was the perfect example of brainwashing. I mean, why bother to study it, we were going to go over every sentence several times on Sunday anyway.

    I really couldn't stand having to listen to the people that couldn't read well or that stuttered and stammered their way through their Bible reading. It drove me nuts! I know it was good practice for them, but get two or three bad speakers in one night and I headed for the back room to take some Tylenol.

    I hated driving to and from the hall in the winter, especially night meetings. It didn't seem safe some nights when the weather was bad and I hated scraping my windshield when it was so damn cold and windy and wearing nylons. So stupid.

    Thanks for starting this thread, I'm feeling so good about not having to go to meetings anymore. What a relief!

    "When caught between two evils I generally pick the one I've never tried before." Mae West

  • somebody

    I attended the meetings till I was no longer forced to. Then I had to say goodbye to the one person i took the liking to. I walked away at 18-19. Never went back.

    And I remember hearing the slaps on the kids, and hearing them make that hiccupy noise after they tried to stop crying. They were trying to catch their breath. So very sad! If I were there now, @ 40. I'd try and plant people to tape it all and then show it on the world news!

    somebody....who is happy that she never had to BEAT the spirit out of her kids when they were toddlers for not being able to sit through 2 hours of spritual doo-doo.

  • somebody


    that quote says it all.


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