The Book Signing that ended in a JC Meeting...

by jesussaves 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jesussaves

    Hey y'all,

    I posted a few months back that my first novel, "What a Sista Should Do" had been published and is now available in stores. My very first booksigning was in June at a well known bookstore in our area. My mom, brothers and grandmother (all JWs) attended even though my book is Christian Fiction. My grandmother was hesitant to attend and about a week before the signing she calls me and says

    "Tiffany, are there going to be any reporters there?"

    My response, "Why? You afraid someone might take a picture of you supporting your granddaughter?"

    She dropped the subject, because she fully intends on being first in line when the royalties start coming in. The book signing was also a discussion about my book and I went into the power of prayer and all of the CHRISTIAN themes in my book. My grandmother looked VERY uncomfortable to say the least and she sat ALL the way in the back. My mother, on the other hand, sat in the front row and even asked questions. She's waaaaayyyy too crazy for the elders to approach, so she does anything she wants to. Example - she once cursed out an elder's wife for kicking the back of her chair during the meeting.

    But I digress....

    Anyway, one of the bookstore employees is an old acquaintance of mine. She said hello, although I don't think she realized what my book was about until after the discussion, which was piped all over the store. I did the slow fade 8 years ago, so most of the JWs I was friends with will at least speak. Some know that I'm married to a minister and attend a Pentecostal church, but hilariously enough they chalk that up to 'What people do for love'!!! Heaven forbid their doctrine might be in error...

    I digressed again!!!

    The bookstore employee, I'll call her G, decided to share her juicy little tidbit of gossip. She told someone (not sure who) that my entire JW family was at the bookstore supporting my 'apostate' book. There is not one mention of JWs in this book....can't say that I won't venture there in the future. Oh, I forgot to mention that my grandmother is a regular pioneer.

    A side note about G. - she was from a very unfortunate household who at one point were living out of a hotel frequented by prostitutes and crackheads. I was their ONLY friend who visited them, gave them money and didn't make them feel like they were underclass in our very middle class congregation. Guess she forgot about all of that..

    Well, my sister, also a regular pioneer was the one who was dragged into the JC. Ironically, she abides by all of the rules and hasn't spoken to me in nearly a year and has not been an aunt to any of her four nieces and one nephew. Apparently, an elder told the elders at her hall that a regular pioneer was seen at my book signing. The tattle tale elder actually claimed to have been in the bookstore at the time. I wish he'd stopped by and said hi.

    I called my grandmother after the commotion. I said, "Well...looks like your greatest fear has come true. You were seen supporting your grand daughter"

    Her hilarious response, "Well, if they say anything to me I'm going to say I was there to see my great grandchildren."

    A regular pioneer has prepared her lie and alibi!!! Wow!


  • GentlyFeral

    <hijack>Hey, Tiffany, I remember when you linked to an excerpt from that book. Nice solid writing. I hope it sells big time. :) What I want to know is: Does Troy come to Jesus? What am I thinking: of course he does. Right? But what else I want to know: Does Pam realize that he was just using his God-given gifts all along?

    gently feral</hijack>

  • jesussaves

    Yes, Troy does come to Jesus, but I left the end with his music career really open. I hate to tie everything up in a neat little bow. Pam does start to support his work, though. The excerpt was about Pam and Troy, but there are two other main story lines...

    I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt. It sold over 16,000 copies in the first month of publication and is already on it's second printing after three months...JWs that know me are almost ANGRY that it's successful. They would prefer to see me strung out on crack and for all of my children to have different fathers!! Oh WELL

  • misspeaches

    Hey Tiffany

    Thanx for posting that experience. I love it how the elders choose to involve your family just because they hold a grudge about someone. Good on your Grandmother for choosing to stand up to them. I hope they don't treat her badly.

    Glad to read your little story and see how you have come out shining once fading from the JW's. I'm a fader too and hope to shine as well!

    Miss Peaches.

  • heretic

    Wow sounds like the signing was a big deal, hope it makes you some coin.

    The elders treated it like a big deal too, just shows that despite good intentions they are truly not qualified for their responsibility. Thats sad about your sister and your kids so sad i bet the elders would cringe if they ever become exjws and realise what they had done. At the moment they feel they are doing gods will, very frustrating.

    Hope all works out and your sister comes round before too much time is lost.


  • prophecor
  • luna2

    Congratulations on how well your book is doing! That's really wonderful. I think it would be very interesting to do something with the JWs in a future much to work with there. LOL

    As for the stupid's really a shame they don't verify their facts before they start hauling people in and trying them. Just makes them look like a bunch of janitors pretending to be spiritual leaders. Oh, wait, that's what they are. Dang.

  • rebel8

    Hi Tiffany. I remember your story and book. I think we may have exchanged emails a while back too.

    What a sad story. To put your family through all that stress.....for what? It validates my reasons for keeping my identity secret.

  • lawrence

    Congratulations on your success. Keep writing! Next thing you know they'll be searching through your garbage, as well as your family. These tortured bastards can't enjoy any one else's success. Keep writing! Do a JW book that befits these scoundrels, and they'll search your garbage daily... Screw them!

    peace and blessings to you, your minister husband, and your kids,

    Jah Love

  • crankytoe

    Very cool,

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