Insomniac - I had the same problem as you do. Mine grew in sideways and I kept biting the hell out of my cheek. This had been going on for years until about 3 weeks ago it flat out HURT. My cheek was swollen and I could hardly move my jaw.
I went to the dentist and they told me that if I had waited much longer it would have become infected and my surgery would have been tons worse.
I'm not particularly fond of the dentist either but I highly suggest you get it checked out if you have the insurance that will help you cover it all.
Kansas District Overbeer
Just had my wisdom teeth yanked out.... picture goodness
by pr_capone 37 Replies latest jw friends
horrible life
Insomniac, If you are not careful, you run the risk of damageing the tooth next to it. Wisdom teeth are one thing, but you need that 2nd molar, for the rest of your life.
SK- Are you are going to an oral surgeon? Oral Surgeons have soooo much experience with wisdom teeth. My daughters were all impacted, and her actual operating time was only 20 minutes. That was for all 4. Of course, I'm not counting the time it took for her to be seated, put to sleep or in recovery. I personally would not want to be put to sleep, for only 1 tooth. It's always dangerous. (though small) If all 4 at once, definitely yes. The Oral Surgeon will have it done within a few minutes. #17 is on the lower left, better than the upper, if the sinus is too close. He will probably section it with a drill. Like cutting up a tree trunk, so you can manage it better, and just in case that mandibular (lower) nerve is wrapped around the roots. Don't worry. But do go to an ORAL SURGEON. That has gone to school an extra year or two for the extra training. If you are not sure, just call his office. They will tell you. Good Luck. If you have any questions, PM me.
clean the sockets. A week after my wisdom teeth were pulled, everything started tasting like rotten garbage. Eventually I realized that food got in the sockets and rotted. Miserable.
I will definately be doing that. I am rinsing with salt water 2 or 3 times a day and plan on doing so until my gums no longer have a divot.
Kansas District Overbeer -
I've got a big hole from a wisdom tooth extraction about 3/4 weeks ago, & every now & then I get a morsel of food in my mouth & go 'where did that come from?' GROSS
Mine was already out of the gum, got a local anaesthetic & it only took 10 minutes, didn't feel a thing. Hurt like hell later though ...
I'm comming up on day 3 without my wisdoms and my mouth is hurting pretty bad. I can hardly open it at all and hard solid foods are still a definate no.
I have already begun finding food hiding in those holes too... its pretty durn gross. lol
Just gotta keep swishing with salt water until it heals.
Kansas District Overbeer -
Thanks for the info about he impacted wisdom teeth. In that pic the tooth is is a 45* angle... imagine one that is rotated to 90* so it looks like it is growing into the roots of the other teeth and that is what I have.
My dentist has been aware of these teeth for awhile and so far does not seem concerned. I specifically asked him about it and he said that so long as they remain dormant in there he sees no reason to take them out. I'm inclined to think the same, but if they do start causing problems they will have to come out!
then you will look like me!
Kansas District Overbeer