Latest news about Pro-JW group on Myspace

by DevonMcBride 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard
    When the Society starts enforcing their rules, the Witnesses learn ways to get around it and not get caught.

    Roger that mate, we (ex & active dubs) are the Watchtower's very own 'frankenstein's monster' defined as the 'creature that turns on it's creator'

    Born JW 1957 i was drilled and grilled that the meeting in private home book studies was set up for us to learn 'Jehovah stealth' for the dramatic final attack of gog of magog.

    Do they think we won't utilize these same adaptive tactics & training against them?

    Do you know who talked about and 'gog of magog' all the time too?Paranoid Jim Jones of deathly Jonestown!

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