Ridicolous JW folklore

by Hellrider 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lilycurly

    Ha! That smurf thing is hilarious! We never had this folklore over here...though there was those naked troll dolls, with their flashy hair all spiked up. We were told they were demonised.

    Also, the cat food, my mom told me that back then, they had to check for "meat by-product" on the bags, because that would include blood, and any JW with a good conscience would't feed their animals blood..Sheesh!lol Now I do check for meat by-product for my cats because I know this is simply disgusting road kills and animal crap....

  • kid-A

    You all must remember the famous one with the young pioneer "sister" calling on the door of a serial killer all by herself, and finding out later that the reason she hadnt been attacked was because there were 2 tall, burly men standing behind her, as observed by the potential killer? Two bad-ass angels standing behind her!! yeah !!!

  • Margie
    You all must remember the famous one with the young pioneer "sister" calling on the door of a serial killer all by herself, and finding out later that the reason she hadnt been attacked was because there were 2 tall, burly men standing behind her, as observed by the potential killer? Two bad-ass angels standing behind her!! yeah !!!

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I remember that one! Good times (okay, not really).

  • stillajwexelder

    WASP, stood for "We Are Satans People".

    I was told it was We Are Sexual Perverts by one brother

    also AC/DC Anti-Christ Devils Children

    And Fleetwood Mac were forbidden because if you played some of their music backwards there was allegedly some satanic message in

  • stillajwexelder

    Karaoke - I hope not - we recently had a congregation get together and the PO and others were all singing along

  • dabatgaly

    please tell me the smurfs story and the babysitter one is the best luv it you poor kids !!

  • under74

    I know two smurf stories...

    1) A little kid has a stuffed smurf doll in a Kindom Hall and puts it in an empty seat next to her. An elder starts giving a talk and notices at some point the smurfs eyes are blinking or something like that but keeps on with his talk and then at some point the smurf doll gives the elder the middle finger, gets out of the chair and walks out of the kingdom hall.

    2) A JW couple has a baby and the baby won't sleep. It cries all night. They take it to the doctor and nothing's wrong. They try everything possible to get this kid to sleep in it's crib. They suddenly think it might have to do with the baby's room. It's suggested by an elder that the Smurf wall paper might be worldly and causing a problem. So they decide to strip the wall paper. The first piece of wallpaper stripped releases a demon. ...that's good parenting!

    I also heard a variation on the wallpaper one. Only it involved a lady being bothered by demons and the wallpaper was some paisley design.

    Oh ya, Gremlins. Didn't see that movie till we left. ET I was told was demonic too because when people saw aliens what they were actually seeing was demons.

  • Hellrider

    Ha ha, those smurf-stories were fun.When someone said they were banned it rung a bell, but I didn`t know the actual stories. Gimme me more, gime me more

  • Insomniac

    under74, what was the deal on paisleys? I vaguely remember in the 80's we were told that no Christian would wear them, but they never told us why. I think the design is just a highly stylized representation of some kind of fruit. Could it be...demon fruit? Also, fleur-de-lis designs were bad, because they supposedly were symbolic of the trinity.

  • under74
    under74, what was the deal on paisleys?

    I was told something like it was a "demonized design" or some crap like that but nothing else. I know in the 80s my older sister bought a shirt with a paisley design on it just right around when this story was making its round at the KH and my mom made her return it to the store.

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