Stuck here in NOLA

by Bryan 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    Well, I came here to pack up the apartment and the crazy storm has inched it's way a little more east every day. So now I'm stuck. The winds started last night. Up to 45-50 mph gust. One of the levies has broken/or flowed over. Some parts of the lower 9th ward is now waist deep in water. Crazy, hectic life these days. I'm just glad my family is still in Paris.

    The news says another levie breach (patched area).

    I'm sure I'll be ok. The only prblem is everone's furnature is in their front yards. If the wind gets up too big the skies will be filled with massive projectiles.

    My airconditionaing went out two days ago so if the electricity goes out, it won't be too bad.

    It looks like lyin' eyes and Denny should be getting a lot of water. Hoped they got out.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Leolaia

    I'm amazed you still have electricity there. I really hope you keep safe....this is scary.

  • schne_belly


    OMG!!! I'm so scared for you, it's so sad that you have to go through this ordeal!!! Please be safe and keep us updated.....

  • Bryan

    A flash flood warning has just been issued. I suppose because of the levee breaks.

  • Leolaia

    Bryan...did your house get flooded the last time? Hopefully the winds won't become hurricane force as the track of the storm is northwestward, and they just said on the news that the winds are weakening.

    Are you on a second floor or something in case the waters come your way?

  • MerryMagdalene

    I'm sure you're doing all you can to stay as safe as you can. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you well with all my heart. You and anyone else stuck in NOLA and other areas of danger and discomfort.

    Hoping for the best for you!!!


  • coffee_black

    (((((Bryan)))) Please take care! Feeling so helpless...wish there was something that could stop this storm!


  • Sunspot


    You know our prayers and good thoughts are yours. I am so glad that you are able to keep us posted this way, speaking for myself, I feel "closer" somehow as I read what you say. Wishing there was something I could DO to be of any help.....

    love and hugs,


  • Bryan

    We did not flood last time, but the roof was damaged and water came from the top.

    Yes, I'm on the second floor.

  • Bryan

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