Legolas you don't need to get it you are not on the right side lolololol
Next Area of Intensified Warnings From God
by Kenneson 40 Replies latest jw friends
Ooooooh ! Another warning from the "Big Giant Head" !! Better raise the terrorist threat level to "elevated"
HAH! I hadn't thought about that show in a while!
What indeed is there in Northwest Canada? I couldn't figure it out either. Nothing much, right? But what about Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Manitoba? What will be left there if YOU do not repent?
What will be left there if YOU do not repent?
the mountains, the forest, the animals (including the apes).
in short, everything.
i get the feeling that telling you this is like the sound of knocking on concrete. but, if everyone in the southern states had repented and gone over to your little personal cult, there still would have been untold death and suffering.
what did god tell you kenneson? that in a few months she will be sending a bitter winter to northwestern canada? just like she told you that hurricanes would come in hurricane season?
please. do me a favour. ask god what she thinks of me. i really want to know what she says (after steamy last night and all)...
Exactly who in nw canada is your god mad at?? Are some of those trees acting up, excreting too much pollen, making them guilty of lust?
Well, of course, it's just hurricane season. And it isn't over yet. Some just have to see in order to "see." Who knows? Some might have wished that they had joined my "cult." I remember all their scoffing, very similar to what I have encountered here. But, than, it's too late when it's too late.
No, Satanus, God is not mad at the trees. But, I suppose the epicenter of an earthquake there might be felt in those four provinces? Could that be possible?
If it's not the trees, then who/what exactly is making your god mad this time??? Why won't he tell you more details? What good is all this destruction and divine mayhem if nobody knows the rhyme or reason for it?