I was always impressed with the way that William Barclay could encapsulate large and very complex issues into, not just a simple form ( are you listening Duns! ) but with a sincere purity attached. I was honored to meet him when I was very young man in my University years and though a convinced atheist at the time who actually shoved Socialist newspapers at people in my local High Street, I could not ignore the genuine tranquillity that accompanied this wonderful personality. He certainly lived the words he taught.
He wrote on the issue of loving ones enemies and the use of ‘agape’ in the NT :
The Christian love goes out to our enemies (Luke 6:27; cp Matt 5:44). We have seen that Christian love means unconquerable benevolence and invincible good-will. No matter what any man does to him, the Christian will never cease to seek that mans highest good. No matter how he is insulted, injured, wronged and slandered, the Christian will never cease to hate and will never let bitterness into his heart. When Lincoln was accused of treating his opponents with too much courtesy and kindness, and when it was pointed out to him that his whole duty was to destroy them, he answered: ‘Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?’. The Christian’s only method of destroying his enemies is to love them into being his friends.’
Though many on this Board are no longer Christians, it seems to me that the value of at least attempting to embody the above ethic into whatever belief system that we may have adopted, can only improve the quality of our lives.
Kent made some very valid points last week regarding our common goals and how sad it seemed to him ( and I hope that I have caught the spirit of your posts correctly Kent ) that so much energy on this Board is spent in bickering and ‘word wars’ which only serve to enflame our already angry wounds and provide the opposition with needed ammunition in dismissing XJW life as purposeless territory where much ‘gnashing of teeth’ can be heard.
I have seen threads that truly stimulate intellectual activity and growth of heart on this board pass by with two or three comments while the more combative threads that often expand rapidly as a result of mischief or misunderstanding, can carry on for days and leave the participents unhappy and disjointed.
So, I guess my question is, is it possible to love our enemies into being our friends? If so how do we accomplish this with regard to our issues with the WTS?