has anyone that is still going to borg meetings, heard anything about gas prices affecting dubbers who get nothing in return for their car,gas,time knocking on doors?
gas and the pionere
by kilroy2 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nope not me. Thats right I would have to be going the meeting so the Borg members would feel free to talk to me.
in a new york bethel minute
that's a good question... i wonder if they might start some kind of fund in the hall for pioneers so they can buy enough gas to make enough hours to earn salvation
yeah right a fund that has money that doesn't go to the society... THAT'll be the day!
I was actually thinking about this though how high do prices have to get before they stop going out in rural areas all together? In areas like europe do the rural areas get preached to? Does europe still HAVE rural areas?
No, they're not complaining. That wouldn't be very encouraging to the congregation. The pioneers sell more than literature, they sell others on pioneering. Everything must be positive so that more will join their ranks. I love it when the society uses military terminology -ranks.
They would never start a pioneer™ gas fund. In my congregations people never donated to the pioneers™ gas yet always insisted on using their cars. Why break a long standing tradition?
They will find more efficient ways to use their resources wisely.
- Go out in service less.
- Leave the car at home and use someone else's. Lie to the brothers™ and say it doesn't work.
- Take longer breaks at Tim Hortons. The longer the break the less time you're out there driving.
- Delete deadbeat™ calls from your return visit book. Their lives are not worth the price of gas anyway.
- Better yet, accidentally lose your return visit book. Or say it was stolen when you were mugged one day in service™. Who knows, they may use your experience at a circuit assembly one day and you could achieve greater prominence in the congregation. That's what it's really all about anyway.
I agree, I saw over the years when people who were not paid, I.E. bethel bors,and pioneers were just given money direct under the table by more well to do bros. I saw this even in a hand shake with 20's.
A cousin of mine that lives at bethal went on trips all over the wolrd, twice a year on the donations he aquired.
But money form the tower? Not in a million years.
Still the gas has got to hurt every one esp. those that live in areas like where I live, I.E. north michigan. when you have to use a half tank of gas to hit several homes at 3 a gallon, OUCH.
Oh well, they get what they pay for. a pig in a poke.
Bamboo rickshaws is the answer! Anyone interested in starting up a venture with me? We'll build rickshaws for pioneer teams, one run, one sit, enough room for publications that can be traded for chickens, which can be stored in cages on top of rickshaw. Rickshaws with coolers, rickshaws with BULLHORNS, rickshaws with naugehyde leather, rickshaws with sound systems to play G.B. procurements. Rickshaws for summer, rickshaws for winter, rickshaws for dating, rickshaws for mating. Rickshaws for pioneers, it's either that or look like the Amish...
I was regular pioneering during the gas lines of the 1970's.
The pioneers I worked with did not have gas guzzlers fortunately. We took turns using each others cars and always had at least 4 in the car. Non-pioneers who worked with us either added their car to the list or we tactfully asked for gas money. We never had anybody get upset, usually they were just dense until it was brought to their attention. I can remember a special needs talk telling the congregation to be aware of how gas prices were affecting the pioneers who were out every day in their cars.
Maybe they could do that?
A friend of mine is a full time pioneer (still in high school too) and she is always complaining about having to put gas in her car. But her mom spoils her to death. Most young ones in the hall are like that. I was like that too. We know that as long we fullfill our spiritual regualtions we get what we want. The only reason I got baptized was because I wanted to go spend the summer with my best friend in New York. My mom made it seem like I could go and I was supposed to leave the weekend after my baptism and the next day she told me no. BItch! I never hated her more than I've hated her that day. Made my life a living hell and still is.