So he was dressed.....right?
What's the best dream you ever had? Or worst?
by ButtLight 25 Replies latest jw friends
So he was dressed.....right?
Yes. Thats why when I woke up, I had to go back to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can still recall what i consider to be my first nightmare.
i had been watching a lot of MASH, and my dream took place inside a US army medical tent.
there was a long line of injured soldiers, of whom my father was one, coming in through one tent entrance, and exiting (healed i presume) through another one. when my dad got to the doctors, they looked him over breifly, struck a match and burned his finger. OMG!!
Wow tetra, how old were you? I dont remember dreams when I was really young, only from my teens.
i believe i was about 3 years old. i probably had other ones before that, but how can i know? it totally freaked me out, just the feeling of the dream, and i have never forgotten it. lol
It's funny, now I just remember something
When I was young (about 5 or 6) I had nightmares, that always came back. I used to wake up crying and my mom would say, it's only a night mare...
But it came back often, and I even gave that nightmare a name. I called it "Accumulation" As if things were accumulating and I was feeling boxed in and trapped.
Damn, at age six, you came up with a name like that????? More like fumigation, you probably had alot of gas!
Ms. Whip
When I was little I would fly in my dreams. My favorite was to watch the tops of trees as I flew by. I could re-create those dreams just by imagining I was on a roof top or I had to run fast to pick up speed enough to take off.
OK for those who remember their dreams, were they in color?
For a long time as a witness I dreamt in black and white. One day while I was a pioneer, I had a dream beyond all dreams. I was flying and singing with angels in full color and sound. I was half awake/half asleep. Being aware I was in a dream but, unable to move my body. I heard my own voice and even felt tears running down my cheeks but was physically frozen.
I think it was a combination of being in love with nature and god and studying the revelation book so often.
I never told another witness of my dream for fear of chastisement.
I have died so many times in dreams. I feel the physical pain. Crushing. I have woken up and felt like a truck hit me.
Once I had a dream that was disturbing. I then realized I was dreaming and then began controlling the dream. I was alone. I destroyed entire cities and created new ones in their place. Then I began flying. Such a cool dream. God complex for sure.
I had one that was the most disturbing I have ever had. I dreamed that I was having an intimate relationship with my mother. I wanted to throw up. I couldn't find my voice to tell her that I thought it was wrong and inappropriate. Horrible dream.
Joel Wideman
For me, a good dream is one I can use for a story, a bad dream is one I can't. Lately, my dreams have been too confusing for me to write down. The sort of dreams that seem to fit the statement "If it hadn't have been for my horse, I wouldn't have gone to college." I'm surprised I don't wake up with an aneurysm. (Yes, I know that, by definition, I wouldn't.)