Book Study Wk 14 9/26: pg 99-107: Four Words That Changed the World

by ithinkisee 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ithinkisee

    Chapter Seven: Four Words That Changed the World

    FOUR simple words written on a plastered wall. Yet, those four words frightened a powerful ruler nearly out of his wits. They heralded the dethroning of two kings, the death of one of them, and the end of a mighty world power. Those words resulted in the humiliation of a revered religious order. Most important, they exalted the pure worship of Jehovah and reaffirmed his sovereignty at a time when most people showed little regard for either one. Why, those words even shed light on world events today! How could four words do all of that? Let us see.

    2 Decades had passed since the events described in the 4th chapter of Daniel. Proud King Nebuchadnezzar’s 43-year reign in Babylon ended with his death in 582 B.C.E. A series of successors came from his family, but early death or assassination ended the rule of one after another. Finally, a man named Nabonidus gained the throne by means of a revolt. Son of a high priestess of the moon-god Sin, Nabonidus evidently was unrelated by blood to Babylon’s royal house. Some authorities suggest that he married a daughter of Nebuchadnezzar to legitimize his own rule, made their son Belshazzar his coregent, and left him in charge of Babylon for years at a time. In that case, Belshazzar would have been Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson. From his grandfather’s experiences, had he learned that Jehovah is the Supreme God, able to humiliate any king? Hardly!—Daniel 4:37.


    3 The 5th chapter of Daniel opens with a banquet. “As regards Belshazzar the king, he made a big feast for a thousand of his grandees, and in front of the thousand he was drinking wine.” (Daniel 5:1) As you can imagine, it must have taken a vast hall to seat all these men, along with the king’s secondary wives and concubines. One scholar notes: “The Babylonian banquets were magnificent, though they usually ended in drunkenness. Wine, imported from abroad, and luxuries of every kind loaded the table. Perfumes filled the hall; vocalists and instrumental performers entertained the assembled guests.” Presiding where all could see him, Belshazzar drank his wine—and drank, and drank.

    4 It seems strange that the Babylonians were in such a festive mood on this night—October 5/6, 539 B.C.E. Their nation was at war, and things were not going well for them. Nabonidus had recently suffered defeat at the hands of the invading Medo-Persian forces and had taken refuge in Borsippa, to the southwest of Babylon. And now the armies of Cyrus were encamped right outside Babylon. Yet, it does not seem that Belshazzar and his grandees were worried. After all, their city was the impregnable Babylon! Her colossal walls loomed over deep moats filled by the great Euphrates River as it flowed through the city. No enemy had taken Babylon by storm in over a thousand years. So why worry? Perhaps Belshazzar reasoned that the noise of their revelry would display their confidence to the enemies outside and would dishearten them.

    5 Before long, excessive drinking took its toll on Belshazzar. As Proverbs 20:1 says, “wine is a ridiculer.” In this case, wine indeed led the king to commit folly of a most serious sort. He ordered that the sacred vessels from the temple of Jehovah be brought into the feast. These vessels, taken as spoils during Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest of Jerusalem, were to be used only in pure worship. Even the Jewish priests who had been authorized to use them in Jerusalem’s temple in times past had been warned to keep themselves clean.—Daniel 5:2; compare Isaiah 52:11.

    6 However, Belshazzar had a still more insolent act in mind. “The king and his grandees, his concubines and his secondary wives . . . drank wine, and they praised the gods of gold and of silver, copper, iron, wood and stone.” (Daniel 5:3, 4) So Belshazzar meant to exalt his false gods above Jehovah! This attitude, it seems, was typical among the Babylonians. They held their Jewish captives in contempt, ridiculing their worship and offering no hope of a return to their beloved homeland. (Psalm 137:1-3; Isaiah 14:16, 17) Perhaps this inebriated monarch felt that humiliating these exiles and insulting their God would impress his women and the officials, giving him an appearance of strength. But if Belshazzar did feel some thrill of power, it did not last long.


    7 “At that moment,” says the inspired account, “the fingers of a man’s hand came forth and were writing in front of the lampstand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that was writing.” (Daniel 5:5) What an awesome sight! A hand appeared out of nowhere, floating in the air near a well-lit section of the wall. Imagine the hush falling over the party as the guests turned to gape at it. The hand began to write a cryptic message upon the plaster. So ominous, so unforgettable, was this phenomenon that to this day people use the expression “the handwriting on the wall” to suggest a warning of imminent doom.

    8 What was the effect upon this proud king who had tried to exalt himself and his gods above Jehovah? “At that time, as regards the king, his very complexion was changed in him, and his own thoughts began to frighten him, and his hip joints were loosening and his very knees were knocking each other.” (Daniel 5:6) Belshazzar had aimed to appear grand and majestic before his subjects. Instead, he became a living portrait of abject terror—his face blanched, his hips wobbled, his whole frame trembled so violently that his knees were knocking. True, indeed, were David’s words directed to Jehovah in song: “Your eyes are against the haughty ones, that you may bring them low.”—2 Samuel 22:1, 28; compare Proverbs 18:12.

    9 It should be noted that Belshazzar’s fear was not the same as godly fear, a profound reverence for Jehovah, which is the beginning of all wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10) No, this was morbid terror, and it did not beget anything like wisdom in the quaking monarch. Instead of begging forgiveness of the God whom he had just insulted, he called out loudly for “the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the astrologers.” He even declared: “Any man that will read this writing and show me its very interpretation, with purple he will be clothed, with a necklace of gold about his neck, and as the third one in the kingdom he will rule.” (Daniel 5:7) The third ruler in the kingdom would be mighty indeed, preceded only by the two reigning kings, Nabonidus and Belshazzar himself. Such a place might usually have been reserved for Belshazzar’s eldest son. The king was that desperate to have this miraculous message explained!

    10 The wise men filed into the great hall. There was no shortage of them, for Babylon was a city steeped in false religion and abounding with temples. Men who claimed to read omens and decipher cryptic writing were surely in plentiful supply. These wise men must have thrilled at the opportunity before them. Here was their chance to practice their art before a grand audience, win the king’s favor, and ascend to a position of great power. But what a failure they were! “They were not competent enough to read the writing itself or to make known to the king the interpretation.”—Daniel 5:8.

    11 Whether Babylon’s wise men found the writing itself—the very letters—indecipherable is unsure. If they did, these unscrupulous men would have had free rein to invent any fallacious reading whatever, perhaps even one to flatter the king. Another possibility is that the letters were quite readable. Since such languages as Aramaic and Hebrew were written without vowels, however, each word could have had several possible meanings. If so, the wise men would likely have been unable to decide which words were intended. Even if they could have done that, they still would have been unable to grasp the meaning of the words so as to interpret them. In any event, one thing is sure: Babylon’s wise men failed—dismally!

    12 Thus the wise men were exposed as charlatans, their revered religious order a fraud. What a disappointment they were! When Belshazzar saw that his trust in these religionists had been in vain, he became still more frightened, his complexion grew paler, and even his grandees were “perplexed.”—Daniel 5:9.


    13 At this critical moment, the queen herself—evidently the queen mother—entered the banquet hall. She had heard of the commotion at the feast, and she knew of one who could decipher the handwriting on the wall. Decades earlier her father, Nebuchadnezzar, had appointed Daniel over all his wise men. The queen remembered him as a man with “an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight.” Since Daniel seems to have been unknown to Belshazzar, it is likely that the prophet had lost his high governmental position after Nebuchadnezzar’s death. But prominence mattered little to Daniel. He was probably in his 90’s by this time, still faithfully serving Jehovah. Despite some eight decades of exile in Babylon, he was yet known by his Hebrew name. Even the queen referred to him as Daniel, not using the Babylonian name once assigned to him. Indeed, she urged the king: “Let Daniel himself be called, that he may show the very interpretation.”—Daniel 1:7; 5:10-12.

    14 Daniel was summoned and came in before Belshazzar. It was awkward to beg a favor from this Jew, whose God the king had just insulted. Still, Belshazzar tried to flatter Daniel, offering him the same reward—third place in the kingdom—if he could read and explain the mysterious words. (Daniel 5:13-16) Daniel raised his eyes to the handwriting on the wall, and holy spirit enabled him to discern its meaning. It was a message of doom from Jehovah God! How could Daniel pronounce a harsh judgment of this vain king right to his face—and that in front of his wives and grandees? Imagine Daniel’s predicament! Was he swayed by the king’s flattering words and his offer of riches and prominence? Would the prophet soften Jehovah’s pronouncement?

    15 Daniel spoke out courageously, saying: “Let your gifts prove to be to you yourself, and your presents do you give to others. However, I shall read the writing itself to the king, and the interpretation I shall make known to him.” (Daniel 5:17) Next, Daniel acknowledged the greatness of Nebuchadnezzar, a king so powerful that he had been able to kill, strike, exalt, or humiliate anyone he chose. However, Daniel reminded Belshazzar that Jehovah, “the Most High God,” had made Nebuchadnezzar great. It was Jehovah who had humiliated that mighty king when he became haughty. Yes, Nebuchadnezzar had been forced to learn that “the Most High God is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that the one whom he wants to, he sets up over it.”—Daniel 5:18-21.

    16 Belshazzar “knew all this.” Yet, he had failed to learn from history. In fact, he had gone far beyond Nebuchadnezzar’s sin of wrongful pride and committed an act of outright insolence against Jehovah. Daniel laid bare the king’s sin. Furthermore, in front of that pagan assemblage, he boldly told Belshazzar that false gods were “beholding nothing or hearing nothing or knowing nothing.” God’s courageous prophet added that in contrast with those useless gods, Jehovah is the God “in whose hand your breath is.” To this day, people make gods of lifeless things, idolizing money, career, prestige, even pleasure. But none of these things can impart life. Jehovah alone is the one to whom all of us owe our very existence, upon whom we depend for every breath we draw.—Daniel 5:22, 23; Acts 17:24, 25.

    [Study Questions]

    1. How extensive was the impact of four words written long ago on a wall?

    2. (a) What happened in Babylon following the death of Nebuchadnezzar? (b) What ruler now held power?

    3. What was Belshazzar’s feast like?

    4. (a) Why might it seem strange that the Babylonians were feasting on the night of October 5/6, 539 B.C.E.? (b) What evidently made the Babylonians confident in the face of invading armies?

    5, 6. What did Belshazzar do under the influence of wine, and why was this a gross insult to Jehovah?

    7, 8. How was Belshazzar’s feast interrupted, and what effect did this have upon the king?

    9. (a) Why was Belshazzar’s terror not the same as godly fear? (b) What offer did the king make to the wise men of Babylon?

    10. How did the wise men fare in their efforts to interpret the handwriting on the wall?

    11. Why might Babylon’s wise men have been unable to read the writing?

    12. What did the failure of the wise men prove?

    13. (a) Why did the queen suggest that Daniel be called? (b) What kind of life was Daniel living?

    14. What was Daniel’s predicament upon seeing the handwriting on the wall?

    15, 16. What vital lesson from history had Belshazzar failed to learn, and how common is similar failure today?


  • gaybeat

    wooh! This was almost incredibly boring except for the handwriting on the wall. Some one commented on how scary Harry Potter is dealing with how Belshazzar's religion had spiritism in the books.

    There wasn't really any exciting or wierd comments this time.

    Only this quote was interesting

    So ominous, so unforgettable, was this phenomenon that to this day people use the expression “the handwriting on the wall” to suggest a warning of imminent doom
    They agreed with other scholars on a subject... finally.
  • robhic
    “the Most High God,”

    Stupid question but, are these the "Four Words That Changed the World"?

    And just how did they change the world and how are they affecting me today? I wanna know!


  • jgnat

    The words, robhic, are "Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin" Or, translated, shivers, to "Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, Divided." You're about to be disintegrated.

  • jgnat
  • jstalin
    Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, Divided

    It seems like an all-powerful god would be a little more eloquent. He appears gets off on cryptic communication that could mean anything to anyone. Or perhaps he's special ed?

    I think the new writing on the wall for the Watchtower is just one word: "Internet"

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Re: the comic strip...

    I don't know why you posted this, but isn't that a selection of panels from "Tales of Suspense" featuring Iron Man?

  • robhic
    The words, robhic, are "Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin" Or, translated, shivers, to "Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, Divided." You're about to be disintegrated.

    Thanks, JGNAT for the explanation. And I ain't being disintergrated by NObody! Jehovah better get over himself! At least that thread from a week or so ago makes more sense to me now.


  • jgnat

    I believe so, Captain Schimedo. Whenever I pirate a picture from another site, I always hyperlink it. By way of credit. After all, that site went to a lot of work to post the pics. So if you click on the picture it will take you to the site.

    I picked this comic because it talks about the "disintegrator" When I sorted out the translation for Mene, Mene...I realized each word was referring to ever tinier measurements. Jehovah the disintegrator. I did a mind-warp to the SF "disintegrator gun".

    I know. Weird mind.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Not to quibble, but from my childhood memory I could have sworn the words were:

    "mene, mene, tekel, upharsin"

    Human error is always possible, so maybe I'm just not remembering it right, or was taught wrong in the first place. Or maybe there are alternate spellings or translations or something?

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