In submissive accordance with this fine theocratic counsel, I am currently bobbing up and down in my nakey.
How long was I supposed to keep doing this?
by ithinkisee 14 Replies latest jw friends
In submissive accordance with this fine theocratic counsel, I am currently bobbing up and down in my nakey.
How long was I supposed to keep doing this?
Horizontal Bop - with a friend.
I would have to agree that that activity, practiced several times a week, is amazingly healthful.
Now, if I could just find an accomodating friend...........
Hey, both you and me are looking for friends to do this with. Maybe, well.... nahh, you won't like it. It's not up your alley ;)
I think them old jeehoovers used to bob naked for apples in freezing water during christmas time.
That's until they gave up christmas of course.
Eventually as new light shone forth... they realized they didn't want to see the co's wives nakid
so they banned women from the practice.
eeeww... That's the first time you've turned me off, Ms. Whip!