My first semester in college is okay but how do you stay focused guys? I wanna strive for A's instead of just a passing grade but sometimes I feel so blah when I wake up in the morning. Any advice?
by stillAwitness 14 Replies latest jw friends
Go to bed earlier?
Well I am not in school but if one of my kids asked this I would say...Eat a proper diet, don't let things distract you and go to bed early! I could give some more but I will let the others do it!
I'm sorry, one of my greatest regrets is not going to college. But dfed is right, enough sleep is important. So is fueling yourself up with at least something to eat or drink. That's how I got to work every day.
The first year is always the hardest, especially since you havent picked a major yet. I took 5 full credits including 2 languages and psych-100 and my god, it was hell!! I ended up dropping a music history course and decided to take 2 full summer credits!! If you can do it, take a lighter load in the year (3-4 full credits) and then take 1 or 2 full credits in the summer, in the summer, the workload is less, the professors are more laid back and its much easier to get an A. Besides, you will still graduate in 4 years and usually the summer classes are only 2 nights a week. But it depends if you are willing to continue studying in the summer.
What are your long-term goals? Med School, law school, grad school? If yes to any, do everything possible to get A's, they base all the future scholarships on the undergrad GPA.
Finally, I pretty much got straight As in University and got some scholarships in Grad school but I HAD NO LIFE WHATSOEVER!!! LOL, so I guess its all about balance!!
Try to find a comfortable place to study, a place that won't give you a lot of distractions. A's are OK and I wouldn't try to disuade you from being the best or doing the best that you can, but I wouldn't try to put such extensive pressure on myself regarding the grades situation. Nothing wrong with B's. A's would be wonderful, however, don't overtax yourself.
Just think about whatever you do in college right now will be your future. If you slack off and don't put much effort to college later on when you get older you will regret it. All I can say is put your best effort now and when you finally get out off college and you'll look back and be glad you did.
I back in school again myself. I find that I do my best studying out of the house. It's nice and quiet in the library. I also spend the very few free periods in between classes studying or reviewing material. I've got people at school that I study with to help keep me motivated. My goal is to get to the final exam and already know it so there is less pressure on me.
I also strive for A's but it's okay if I get B's as well, it just means more focus on reviewing it.
Good luck!
Sam the Man
Just take things as they come and you'll do alright.
Coffee!!! Coffee!! Coffee!!
Other than that, remember most colleges grade on a curve. I had a French class that I estimated a B in (after adding up all of my exam grades) and I got an A. Go figure!