Well, I did it. I just got off the phone with my former Bible study who I haven't talked to in over a year. For the backstory look at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/98983/1.ashx
So, we chatted about family and just got caught up. Then I asked if she was still studying with the witnesses. She said they were and they're almost done the Knowledge Book. I asked her what she thought about what she was learning. She said, "I think it's the truth." She then went on to relate how every witness she's met since arriving from China to Canada has been such a wonderful person. And her family had recently even encouraged another new immigrant family to study with the witnesses in their area. Ugh! I didn't know what to say next.
She asked about me..if I had any new bible studies. I said, "I am no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. There were many teachings that I no longer agreed with."
She said she respected my decision and loved me. She mentionned having spoke with the sister from my congregation who used to go on their studies with me. I told my former study that that sister was no longer speaking to me, as is the witness practice when someone leaves the religion. I told her about the shunning practice. I told her that all my lifetime friends no longer speak to me. She had no idea about shunning. She was disgusted.
I told her that I knew it would happen yet I decided to leave anyways because I could not, in good conscience, pretend to believe something I didn't believe. She agreed with my actions and said we'd keep in touch. She gave me her email address. I was thinking about sending her the information from the wts pubs about shunning. I think she should know before she goes any further.
Update on Anti-Witness to Former Bible Study...
by tall penguin 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
tall penguin
Good for you! You should also send her the UN scandal papers and 607vs587 stuff! I have links if you need them!
Wow, you may have snatched her outta the fire on this one. Good job!
I told her that I knew it would happen yet I decided to leave anyways because I could not, in good conscience, pretend to believe something I didn't believe.
What's so weird to me is that to any logical and thinking person...this makes sense. To a typical R&F JW, it doesn't. You might as well sprout horns and grow a bifurcated tail before zapping them with your hayfork - they think you're demonized.
Since she gave you her email address and was surprised about shunning I would suggest that you give her brief outline of the things that you do not agree and not overload her with all information at one time. I am not sure of your issues that lead to disassocation but you could point out the following:
In Knowledge Book: Pg 96 #16 "destruction of Jerusalem by the Babyloanians in 607 BCE was very significant" then note that every historical source (other then WTS) points this year to be 586/587 BCE. POINT: If she does Search on web using "destruction of Jerusalem 1st Temple" she will get many legitimate historical sites to verify this. Especially the Foreign Minstry of Israel site, which I find "very significant". As well as many books just searching Amazon.com booksite.
In Knowledge Book: Pg 96 #17 "the appointed times of the nations" began with 607 BCE ....counting 2,250 yrs from 607 BCE, however, we arrive at the year 1914 CE...#18 bring point that Jesus began ruling at that time to be discussed next chapter." POINT: 1874 was orginally taught as when Jesus began ruling and that Armageddon would be 1914, but was changed after the fact, which any JW teaching you will confirm as true. So why importance of 607 to 1914 so that they can claim that the annointed of Jehovah's Witnesses were picked to be God's sole channel of communication for the World fulfilling prophecy for the "three and a half times (1260 days) and the 1290 days to 1919. See Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy Book matrix on page 301(this is in the old book not sure about new Daniel Book page number)
POINT: Without keeping this date they can't keep their sole channel status, which means only Salvation through JW's and death to the world. She may not realize that since while doing bible study this is not directly addressed. Look at JW home page FAQ under www.jw-meadia.org site the question: Do you believe you are the only ones who will be saved? Answer: No but then does a real double talk answer. Yet direct her to: W89 9/1 p. 19 **Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium**: Only JW's have any scriptual hope. Also, W83 2/15 p.12-15 **You can live forever in Paradise Earth-But How?**#3 on list of the 4 steps for salvation reads in part:..Jehovah is use only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it.
Thus any of her non JW family, friends, rest of the entire world will die. Also there is article that JW are Not to expect a big change in hearts to lead all just before the end to JW organization. So the light keeps changing and getting brighter, yet no other religious organization can be also changing light and getting brighter??
Explain that you are still researching or reaffirming your beliefs, such as realizing the the Kingdom Interlinear Translation is showing that naos (temple structure-Divine Habitation)is only used in revelations and not hieron (entire temple structure-grounds/courtyards) that is correctly explained in **w60 8/15 p 493-6 The Temple of the Apostles' Time**, however, **W808/15 p 14-16 The "Great Crowd" Renders Sacred Service Where?** actually quotes Mark 2:14 as being naos when the Greek Interlinear shows it is Hieron. They states the following but purposely do not quote Mark 2:14---"For example, in the Bible account of where Jesus Christ drove the money changers and merchantment out of Herod's Temple, the original Greek word used is naos'. THIS IS CLEARLY A LIE!!!
POINT: Both Russell and Rutherford had placed the annointed as princes in Christ's Throne and the great crowd in heaven before the Throne, but Rutherford years later after 1925 Armageddon didnt happen changed from teaching that only JW's go to heaven (2 classes-annointed & great crowd) who would teach the wordly people (new bible studies) on a paradise earth, to today's understanding only JW's survive with one class in heaven and great crowd on earth, teaching resurrected wordly people. I guess it really doesn't matter what scripture states only what the Watchtower states.
I know that I a ramble on here especially when I am saying keep it brief and let her know you have information to share if she so desires to have it then share it.
You may have to feel your way along, not knowing how indoctrinated she's been or when you might hit a nerve. Good going!
That must not have been easy, but good for you! There are many things that JW's practice that aren't taught until the person is too far in.
Have you told her that the WTS says that Jesus is not her mediator between her and God, and that the only group of people that Jesus is the mediator is the Faithful and discreet slave? Any Christian would find that sickening, but most JW's don't know the WTS teaches that. I didn't until I left.
*** Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" (1986) pp.10-11 ch.1 The Desire for Peace and Security Worldwide ***
16 Just as the ancient nation of Israel was in a covenant relationship with Jehovah God through the mediator Moses, so the nation of spiritual Israel, "the Israel of God," has a covenant relationship through a mediator. (Galatians 6:16) It is as the apostle Paul wrote to his Christian fellow worker: "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5) Was Moses the mediator between Jehovah God and mankind in general? No, he was the mediator between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the nation of their fleshly descendants. Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members. This spiritual nation is like a little flock of Jehovah's sheeplike ones.—Romans 9:6; Revelation 7:4.
I personally feel guilty for studying with people.
If you feel that way you should tell her how you feel and offer to tell her what things you taught her that were untrue.
If dfed finds out you've interferred with the holy spirit, he's gonna really be pissed!
Thank you for posting this update. I was wondering if you had called or not after reading your other post a couple of days ago. Now that you have her e-mail, it will be easier to keep in touch.
One of the things I want to mention.. you said they are from China. Far away from home. I'm sure you realize that the witnesses are really good at making people feel "at home". Those people might not get a lot of attention from anyone else in their neighborhood, other than people staring at them. It might be one of the factors why they feel comfortable around the JWs.