Are you weird too?

by kittyeatzjdubs 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Interesting experiences!

    I'd say that the weather gauge thing *could* be simply coincidence, so you'd need many more readings from it to conclude it was the spirit.

    Watch for pictures being turned around the other way and objects being misplaced but then appearing in a strange place.

    Why does it just want to sit on the bed anyway?


  • Sirona

    OOPS wrong thread ROFLMAO!!!!!!

    Conclusion: Sirona is seriously wierd.



  • FlyingHighNow

    Weird is good. The most interestin' people in the world are weird. What you are listing sounds more like quirks or idiosyncrasies.

    Ever since I was a little girl on the playground at school, I have heard,"You're weird." I only wish I had been told that was a compliment and something to be proud of.

  • ballistic

    LOL @ Sirona

    I am weird. I like burnt food. Burnt with black bits in, I burn my stir fry's on purpose.

  • devinsmom

    I like to dip my mcdonalds fries in their vanilla ice cream

    I feel the need to hug and kiss my son WAY more than I probably shoud (I am going to embarass the hell out if him when he is older)

    You know when you are done with a shower and all the water comes out of the faucet, well I feel the need to put my foot under for second. And always wash my hair first before I do anything else.

    Oh yeah and I always end up with men that are bad for me.


  • Finally-Free
    I used to have this thing about sitting with my back to the door or window of a resteraunt.... I would always find a way to put my back to the wall so I could see who was coming at me.... it felt like I had been in the military or something but couldnt understand it until I did my 2nd past life regression and relived being shot to death by someone who snuck up on me from my left while I was looking right....

    I've done that for most of my life. Still do.

    But I'm not weird. Everyone else is.


  • Krystal

    Dams~ I do exactly the same thing... I have a clear shower curtain for that exact reason! I had bought a colored inside curtain because my BF hates the clear curtain, but I ended up throwing it away! I would run out of hot water cause I kept stopping to peek at the rest of the bathroom!! LOL (I thought I was alone in the weirdness!!)

    I also have this thing about people touching my ankles... I get very very anxious if u even gentely brush up against my ankle.... I freak out. My BF got kicked in the head first time he did it.

    I CANT SNEEZE! LOL ... well, I can, but you would never hear it!! hehe I was always taught it was rude to sneeze so I can't really let myself sneeze... my co-worker is always teasing me about it!

    My BF always teases me because of the way I eat... I tend to NEVER mix food on my plate... it is kept very seperate and I tend to put my food "in order" in the sense that I line things up on my plate. (ie. peas/beans/pasta etc.)

    How many more can I think of? Geez... I think I am going to commit myself.

  • damselfly
    For more pictures please click web link below v If you dare!!!!!!!!!!!!! HL

    nu huh I don't dare. And you can't make me

    Krystal I had the ankle thing too, my boyfriend also got a kick the first time he did it. Oops so sorry sweetie!

    I can not stand to have someone come up behind me quietly. I have screamed out loud at perfect strangers who just wanted a box of cornflakes but are now busy avoiding the crazy girl in aisle 3.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i always drink more water than i probably need. it's my mom's fault really. she always told me growing up that if i didn't drink enough water everyday, i might drop dead.

    i'm sure she was trying to install healthy habits...but it kinda backfired. everytime i feel thirsty now, i start freaking out and chugging water...

    only beer calms me frazzled nerves.

    luv, jojo

  • kls

    People think i am weird because it grosses me out to see people drink the milk left in the cereal bowl,,Nasty

    When i go to the potty ,i can't have my feet flat on the floor but up on my toes

    I can't stand having fingernails past the tip of my fingers.

    These are just a few ,,,,,very few

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