I've just been told Satan has control of my mind

by jwfacts 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974

    Of course Satan as a control over your mind....its obvious because you are now thinking for yourself...nobody in their right mind would do that would they?

    The WTS tag onto the scripture which says 'its not for man to direct his own steps' (or something like that) and then lo and behold they use that to force people to submit to them. Its sickening - I feel sorry for the 80 year old...its such a waste of a life.

    Chin up matey....dont let em crush you!


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    According to the likes of this 80 year old lady, if the WTS hasn't got control of your mind, then Satan automatically has - like these are the only two alternatives!


  • delilah

    Well, at least she told you she still loves you anyway.... Isn't it sad? I hate the fact that my grandparents have been so loyal, (and controlled by) to the WTBTS all these years, and they have no clue that they have been lied to......

    Enjoy your newfound freedom of mind, and thought.

  • JustTickledPink

    I am sick to death of the "last days"

    Seriously, Jesus own disciples believed they were in the last days.... people all over believe it because they are too chicken chit to actually LIVE THEIR LIFE TODAY.

    They would rather wait on someone to come and clean everything up and make a paradise for them in a nice cushy bed than work for it themselvees

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