My wife made a comment today about all the pictures of paradise and how none of them ever show the inside of a house. They are always the same pictures of people outside playing with lions and water in the background. Someone was talking in another post about how hard it is to make the simplest items. If they show the inside of a house. they have to show stuff inside. They cant show tv's, microwaves, refridges, just the most basic things. If they show them, then where did they come from? Kind of funny when you think about it, but it all makes sense.
Pictures of Paradise
by gringojj 39 Replies latest jw friends
lol, yes. because there will be no industrial business ie, appliance manufacturing going on. if there were factories in operation, that would require corporate entities. unless they were ran by the witness paradise dwellers and done so voluntarily. otherwise the new system still requires the existence of empire conglomerates...which of course are always corrupt;)
so the very modern looking cul-de-sac esque houses are filled with what exactly? i guess no one cares to ask if there will be any kitchenaide mixers surviving the great tribulation. see its just a small sacrifice for paradise. ha.
One of my principle concerns is the people who are presented in picture, they all appear to be like ghost, the expressions on their faces all appear to be so out of touch with being human. Rather eerie looking.
No one would want to be in the JW paradise if they showed the inside of the house. No appliances, showers, toilets, refrigerator, TV, radio, computer. Wow, I can't wait to be bored out of my perfect mind in a perfect physical world being
controllednurtured by the elders of the Watchtower. What a crock. -
I've always enjoyed this article, which talks about the compelling imagery that the Watchtower Society portrays. I am sure this is the pull for many people who join.
I've never had anyone get back to me if they enjoy this thread as much as I do, though. I think it goes a long way to explain the JW mindset. Do you think the Catholics are the only ones who have compelling icons?
Main Entry: ico·nog·ra·phy
Pronunciation: "I-k&-'nä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -phies
Etymology: Medieval Latin iconographia, from Greek eikonographia sketch, description, from eikonographein to describe, from eikon- + graphein to write -- more at CARVE
1 : pictorial material relating to or illustrating a subject
2 : the traditional or conventional images or symbols associated with a subject and especially a religious or legendary subject
3 : the imagery or symbolism of a work of art, an artist, or a body of art -
I always wanted to pet a Panda Bear!!!!!!!!
ther's plenty of enviromentaly friendly technology that could be used , we had a tv show that showed how to have hot water, electricity , refridgeration , all oil free , it was called the science shack.
by the way what about all the lion , giraffe, elephant poo we'd be knee deep in it !!!
I quit!
Like the late great Barbara G. Harrison said the Watchtowers idea of paradise looks like a Texas barbecue. The people pictured in the WT view of paradise look like they are being forced to have a good time whether they like it or not.
Funny you posted this. We're discussing similar things in "The World The JWs Detest..." thread.
I Quit, you make an excellent point, in watching a documentary on the concentrations camps of ww2, they would clean up the healthest looking Jews and put them in a picnic setting with music and plenty of food and tell them to smile and look happy-----------then they would have the german media film this fake setting then send the news reels around the world so everybody could see that all that bad nazi torture that the world was hearing was a LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hm sounds a little to similar to WT Paradise Propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!