by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends
Reefton Jack
All the time!
In fact, of all the benefits that have resulted from giving the JWs the heave-ho, the one I like the most is no longer having to tolerate all the strange people (both at the doors, and at the hall!)
I would have to admit, though, that in the first congregation I was with, the major employer in the district was a huge psychiatric hospital - that could have had something to do with it!
Oh yes plenty, depending on what area the ministry was in, you pretty much knew who would be the loons and who wouldn;t be! i always wanted some Mrs Robinson type to invite me in and teach me a thing or two, never happened though, mores the pity! I remember one brother at our hall, funny fella, on the service with him, and we knock on this door, some old chap comes to the door, and Dave (the brother) whips out hos wallet and goes "FBI" The old fella carked himself, i had to walk away because i was laughing so much!! Whata great pair we were!
Room 215
Of course; but actually, the ones I met at the Kingdom Hall were usually the strangest folks I ever met!
Lady Lee
at the doors
- one naked guy that wanted us to come in
- a lady with huge cat posters in her place and who informed us that after she died she was definitely coming back as a cat
in the hall
- one woman who wore so much make-up I often wondered what she really looked like - it was like she wore a mask
- one elder who could never keep his sentences intact. He would start one thought and end with another. It was always like having two conversations att he same time. People just passed it off that he was a genius and his mind worked faster than his mouth
- my family
jehovahs witnesses
lets see there was:
guy with a gun
chainsaw face guy
pale pentecostal minister freak
drugged out lady
man mad for being woken up 1
man mad for being woken up 1278
tea cake lady
demonized 1/2 witness lady
people who thought I was insurance collector
Yes...quite a number of people, both opening the doors and standing next to me knocking. Lots of mentally ill folks (a favorite with a certain sister I regularly worked with). She had studies with at least two women who were able to live on their own, but just barely. I used to walk out of the one gal's filthy apartment and feel all itchy, couldn't wait to get home and take a shower.
Just thinking about it, I'm beyond happy that I no longer subject myself to that stuff.
It makes me cringe now because I'm sure I looked like a pretty strange person myself as I trotted around in my long dark skirts, sweaters and sensible flat shoes, anxiously clutching my oversized bookbag.
Joel Wideman
Well, someone had screwed up in assigning the territory. One guy was an apostate. Aside from that, not really.
joelbear,what does 1278 mean?