I'm good thanks 'cause I now of a mental picture of you with your plaid shirt and a frilly tutu spinning and dancing thru my mind humming "I feel pretty"
I am cheered up considerably. Thank you
by joelbear 14 Replies latest jw friends
I'm good thanks 'cause I now of a mental picture of you with your plaid shirt and a frilly tutu spinning and dancing thru my mind humming "I feel pretty"
I am cheered up considerably. Thank you
HL, that song was my first reaction as well! I also was remembering a skit from King of Queens where Kevin James is helping his wife with her lipstick and he breaks out in a song...."I feel pretty, so pretty!" but he said it reminded him of feeling like a serial killer!! don`t mind me just rambling and felt like adding! Continue!
I think you are definately witty and gay, but not pretty.
Joel, you've already done something to make me happy. Thank you again.
I, on the otherhand, am pretty.