Sin pictures in What Does The Bible Really Teach

by Check_Your_Premises 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balsam

    Boy those really bring back memories. I can remember using them to show my boys when they were acting up that they better behave or they wouldn't make it in the the New System. Makes me sick I was so darn brain washed that I bought into that garbage nonsense of the end coming. That wicked wicked evil sick world, how many times did they throw that in our faces to keep us in line?

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Those are great pictures posted so far.

    Does anyone have any scans from the new book? I am telling you, they are just hilarious. I think another poster might be right. The guy who is bug-eyed staring at his pile of cash might be the funniest.

    I am an accomplished sinner. Nobody I have seen sinning ever looks like those wt depictions.

    It seems kind of quaint. Like maybe they are just so darn righteous, that they aren't really sure what sin looks like. So they are just kind of going from the pictures from their imaginations, since they lack any real experiences to draw on? But then I know so many who are actually folks that are seeking refuge from an obviously ruined life. Alot of these folks REALLY know sin. Some make me feel like a goody-two-shoes.

    So I guess it is to really play up so as to make it seem much more dramatic then it really is? Most of my really awful sinning was very matter of fact.

    At any rate. The first step in my "wt check out the new pubs process" is to immediately scan for "sin" pictures.

  • kid-A

    I like this one the best....4 angels wearing "GAY PRIDE" rainbow vests riding in on the apocalypse!! Wow you can almost hear the village people song

    in the background! This is what the WTS used to SCARE us???? LOL


  • defd

    Looks like someone PREPARED for there Sunday lesson!..


  • Lilycurly

    Here you go...

    new WT artistic jewels from the new book...


    And the bug-eyed


    And another nice one to put the kids to sleep...


  • defd

    I think those pictures depict quit clearly as to what some sins are. Great artist work in my book. Can anyone here do better?

  • OldSoul

    These are incredibly reminiscent of the "Artwork" from Nazi propaganda.

  • kid-A

    Absolute propaganda.

    I remember being a little kid at the WT study looking at these grotesque pictures about how the "evil" dangerous outside world and all the inhabitants therein were "supposed" to really be like....then I would leave the hall, walk into the sunshine, go play some street hockey with my 'evil' worldly friends, walk through the tranquil ravine behind my house and think to myself, what a crock of shite this perverted, sick view of the world is.....pathetic.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I love the guy with the cigar. I also love the two vatos. Not to pc there wt!

    Yes defd. Of course those pictures are appropriate, reasonable, and representative in everyway. It is always legitimate to take the worst possible sample, and pass it off as the norm.

    There are absolutely no decent, God-fearing folks outside of the JW. That is because the Bible clearly states that even though we have salvation through Christ's sacrifice, and the help of the Holy Spirit to remake us in Christ's image, we still need to be with the right group of imperfect people to truly have salvation. It sure is tough finding the right group! There are just so many saying THEY are the right group!

    There are the Catholics, the Mormons. BUt they don't use God's name.

    So there is the House of Yahweh. That one is headed up by a guy who claims he is one of the prophets spoken of in Revelation. Then there is Nation of Yahweh. That one is headed up by a guy who says HE is the MEssiah. He can prove it by using the bible to! He has a very scholarly sounding on cable access called the Universe of YWHW, where they (he cant because he is in prison) go through the Bible showing how it all points to him. The problem is they all are not teaching the Kingdom!

    So there are the Bible Students (yep they are still all over!), and also the Christadelphians. They teach that hell is not hot, that the soul is not eternal, that we don't go to heaven but stay on earth, that Jesus was not God but a man. But they take blood transfusions!!!

    So then there are the Christian Science guys, all the groups that came from Herbert Armstrong. Now he was the Elijah spoken of in Micah that would come to set things right. His group doesn't accept blood as an "adminstrative matter", and they also don't think Jesus was God. They also don't believe it is right to have birthdays or celebrate Christmas! But they weren't chosen in 1919!

    Now the jw, they were chosen in 1919 when they were teaching that Christ returned in 1874, even though Christ said not to go after people who said he was returned. They were also teaching that the due time had approached even though Christ said not to believe folks like that. That is ok though. Jesus didn't mind because he knew His one true chruch would be acting like "false prophets" up so He gave them a "prophecy" thousands of years ago that said the "light would grow brighter" for the "false prophets" so they would have an excuse for why they got so much stuff so incredibly wrong. It certainly wasn't because they weren't guided by the Spirit. Apparantly the spirit wanted them to get that stuff wrong! You know, GOd always made his representatives look like jack-asses so everyone would know that He sent them. It's obvious. WOuldn't you do the same thing!?

    And that guy on the stauros with Jesus, he definitely had to join the right group before he was saved. And the Ethiopian eunuch had to answer all sorts of questions and go out in field service before he could get baptized. And the jailer in Acts had to join the right group and go to five meetings a week before he could accept Christ's salvation.

    Yep. All right there in the Bible.

    And of course, finally, there are no decent people outside the JW.

    Now go hijack another thread. We are busy trying to find some comfort in healing laughter about this silly "one true" religion that has left an unknowable wake of misery in it's path.

  • jgnat

    Oooh, the pop-eyed guy! The girl with the beer and the car. I'm snorting with laughter at work.

    Lilycurly, you've done an outstanding job. Bravo!

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