I hope defd will participate in this thread !!!!
I'll think for a while and post later
by JH 66 Replies latest jw friends
I hope defd will participate in this thread !!!!
I'll think for a while and post later
jw men look really nice in polyester suits
Many many of them really are trying. They are good folks trapped in a cult mindset. After all, we were ones once. There is hope for the rest.
Don't have to put up with cigerette smoke around them
they bake great apostates.
there are also some hot elder's wives.
They will work holidays. (They also like getting paid double time) HL
Tetra.....and some of those elders are pretty darned HOT themselves....but they know it!
they bake great apostates.
should all you ex-jws be a little worried?!
The JWs I know are all very nice, genuine people at heart. Like confusedjw said, they're just trapped and don't know it.
Most of the times they have good intentions, even though they may rub me the wrong way. So id say the have GOOD intentions, for starters.
They left me alone after I got disfellowshipped.